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FOR THE WEEK ENDING August 7th,1998 1) Dr. Quentin Young, national coordinator of Physicians for a National Health Plan, who analyzes the short-comings in legislation now before Congress designed to protect patients from abuses in their managed health care plans. 2) Carol Richardson and Ann Herman, who discuss their recent release from prison resulting from their non-violent civil disobedience demanding the closure of the U.S. Army's School of the Americas. 3) Molly O'Meara, of the World Watch Institute who describes the recent growth in the use of solar power throughout the world FOR THE WEEK ENDING August 14th,1998 1) Fred Weir, correspondent for the Canadian Press Press and In These Times, who analyzes Russia's worsening economic crisis which has resulted in growing labor unrest. 2) Peter Kornbluh, senior analyst with the National Security Archive, who examines the connections between Cuban-American terrorist Luis Posada Carriles, the Cuban-American National Foundation and the U.S. government. 3) Nat Hentoff, a long-time columnist with the Washington Post and Village Voice, who discusses his latest book Living the Bill of Rights, How to Be an Authentic American. FOR THE WEEK ENDING August 21st, 1998 1) Syndicated columnist and author Norman Solomon, who examines the media's conduct in covering the Clinton/Lewinsky scandal. 2) David Krajicek, a former crime reporter for the New York Daily News, discusses his book Scooped: Media Miss Real Story on Crime While Chasing Sex, Sleaze and Celebrities. 3) Jane Franklin, author of Cuba and the United States, A Chronological History, who talks about repeated assassination attempts against Cuban President Fidel Castro, and who funds them. FOR THE WEEK ENDING August 28, 1998 1) Micah Sifrey, senior analyst with the group Public Campaign, who examines the chances for passage of campaign finance reform legislation after a recent victory in the House of Representatives. Related article: The Real Scandal: Campaign Financing. 2) Ellen Bernstein, of IFCO, the Interreligious Foundation for Community Organizing analyzes who receives campaign contributions from the Miami-based, right-wing Cuban American National Foundation. 3) Jennifer Einhorn, Director of Communications for the Gay and Lesbian Alliance against Defamation, who discusses the recent series of "gay conversion" advertisements that have run in the nation's newspapers in recent weeks. In the coming weeks, we will provide links to other progressive organizations, media outlets and internet sites that we find to be of particular importance. We also welcome suggestions for links from local organizations. Between the Lines is available by subscription for broadcast or individual use. A one-year subscription is $120.00. Tapes of each week's show are also available for $8 each. Send a check or money order, payable to "WPKN Radio," to: Between the Lines/WPKN, 244 University Avenue, Bridgeport, CT 06604. Production staff: Ruben Abreu, Pru Cullen, Archibald Currie, Rich Fraser, Scott Harris, Jamie Holmes, Vincent Kay, Valerie Kramer, Denise Manzari, Bob Nixon, Elaine Osowski For more information, write to Scott Harris, Public Affairs Director, WPKN Radio, 244 University Avenue, Bridgeport, CT 06604. You can also send an e-mail request to Scott Harris. Return to the Between The Lines Home Page (C) 1998 BETWEEN THE LINES. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. |