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For the Month of APRIL 1999


1) Francie Malloy, elected representative from Northern Ireland, who talks about the recent political assassination of human rights attorney Rosemary Nelson, who died when a bomb exploded under her car.

2) Gordon Clark, Executive Director of Peace Action, who criticizes legislation recenly passed in Congress that commits the U.S. to develop a "Star Wars" missile defense program.

3) The Sentencing Project's Jenni Gainsborough, who analyzes statistics released by the Bureau of Justice, documenting a 4.8% annual increase in the U.S. prison population, now the second highest per capita in the world.


1) Matthew Rothschild, editor of the Progressive Magazine, who assesses the crisis in Kosovo and explains why he opposes U.S. led NATO air attacks on Yugoslavia.

2) Maria Santelli, of the Citizens for Alternatives to Radioactive Dumping , who talks about potential problems with disposing of nuclear waste in the salt beds near Carlsbad, New Mexico.

3) Barbara Briggs, of the National Labor Committee, who discusses the movement on college campuses across the nation to end sweat shop labor.

FOR THE WEEK ENDING April 16, 1999

1) Robert Hayden, Center for Russian & East European Studies at the University of Pittsburgh, who explores the roots of the Kosovo conflict and chances for a negotiated settlement there.

2) Anne Platt McGinn of the World Watch Institute , who explores the contradiction between western consumer culture and the survival of our planet's ecosystem.

3) Bobby Byrd, co-publisher at Cinco Puntos Press , who talks about how the National Endowment for the Arts abruptly cancelled funding for a children's book written by Subcommandante Marcos, leader of Mexico's Zapatista rebel movement.

FOR THE WEEK ENDING April 23, 1999

1) Michael Beer, director of Nonviolence International, who criticizes the U.S./NATO strategy of targeting Yugoslavia's civilian infrastructure.

2) Peter Phillips, director of Project Censored , who examines the role of media during the ongoing war in Yugoslavia.

3) Father Roy Bourgeois, who talks about his group's continuing efforts to close the U.S. Army's School of the Americas at Fort Benning, Georgia.

FOR THE WEEK ENDING April 30, 1999

1) Michael Simmons of the American Friends Service Committee, who examines the ongoing U.S./NATO air strikes against Yugoslavia, and the potential for a wider conflict in the Balkans.

2) Linda Chavez Thompson, AFL-CIO Executive Vice President, who discusses the struggle to re-energize and reinvigorate the U.S. labor movement.

3) Tina Guglielmo of STAR (Standing for Truth About Radiation), who talks about her group's efforts to close Connecticut's Millstone nuclear power station.

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Production staff: Ruben Abreu, Anthony Cerulli, Bill Cosentino, Prue Cullen, Archibald Currie, Rich Fraser, Scott Harris, Jamie Holmes, Vincent Kay, Valerie Kramer, Denise Manzari, Bob Nixon, Elaine Osowski, Nigel Rees, Melinda Tuhus, Karen Wright. Web page: Anna Manzo.

For more information, write to Scott Harris, Public Affairs Director, WPKN Radio, 244 University Avenue, Bridgeport, CT 06604. You can also send an e-mail request to Scott Harris.

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