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FOR THE WEEK ENDING Nov. 5, 1999 1) Steve Weissman, legislative representative with Public Citizen's Congress Watch, who examines the forces behind the latest defeat of campaign finance reform in the U.S. Senate. See Public Citizen's Congress Watch Web page on Campaign Finance Reform and Government Ethics 2) Syndicated columnist Norman Solomon, who charges that the complaint from conservative commentators of a "liberal media bias" is a myth. 3) Jennifer Price, author of "Flight Maps: Adventures with Nature in Modern America" who describes how most of our encounters with nature come through the television or at the mall. FOR THE WEEK ENDING Nov. 12, 1999 Listen to the day's news summary.(Needs RealPlayer G2, 4:55 min.) 1) Citizen-activist and consumer-advocate Ralph Nader, who condemns legislation that would deregulate the nation's banking industry. See Ralph Nader's Web site Essential Information and his testimony on HR 10 to the Committee on Banking and Financial Services to the U. S. House Of Representatives, Feb. 11, 1999 2) Attorney Leonard Weinglass, who discusses the latest developments in the court battle of his client, death row inmate Mumia Abu Jamal, to win a new trial. See also Refuse & Resist to learn how you can act locally. 3) Noam Chomsky, one of the nation's most respected, progressive critics of U.S. foreign policy, who examines the "New Military Humanism, Lessons From Kosovo," the subject of his latest book. FOR THE WEEK ENDING Nov. 19, 1999 1) Seth Ackerman, an analyst with the media watch group Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, who summarizes a report appearing in the London Observer, which alleges the U.S. government deliberately bombed the Chinese Embassy during the Yugoslav War, a story which has received virtually no coverage in American media. 2) Michael Morrill with People's Global Action, who describes massive protests against economic globalization being planned to coincide with the World Trade Organization's ministerial summit meeting in Seattle, which begins Nov. 30. 3) Cecilia Bucki, a professor of history at Fairfield University, who describes the university's semester-long exploration of the politics and culture of the 1960s. Call her at (203)254-4000, ext. 2307. FOR THE WEEK ENDING Nov. 26, 1999 1) Michael Dolan, with Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch, who critically assesses the recently concluded trade agreement between the U.S. and China that clears a major hurdle for Beijing's entry into the World Trade Organization. 2) Father Roy Bourgeois, co-founder of The School of the Americas Watch, who discusses his group's decade-long campaign to close down the U.S. Army school which has trained many of Latin America's most notorious human rights violators. Contact SOA Watch by calling (202) 234-3440. 3) Scott Cullen, counsel for the group Standing for Truth About Radiation, or STAR, who describes the results of a scientific study to determine the amount of radiation present in infants' and children's teeth. For more information on how you can submit teeth for study, call 1(800) 582-3716. **NEW** To receive a free email subscription to our new weekly print column, "Between The Lines Q&A," a selection of transcripts taken from BTL interviews, email your request to: Between The Lines. Between the Lines is available by subscription for broadcast or individual use. A one-year subscription is $120.00. Tapes of each week's show are also available for $8 each. Send a check or money order, payable to "WPKN Radio," to: Between the Lines/WPKN, 244 University Avenue, Bridgeport, CT 06604 Production staff: Ruben Abreu, Bill Cosentino, Prue Cullen, Archibald Currie, Rich Fraser, Scott Harris, Jamie Holmes, Valerie Kramer, Denise Manzari, Bob Nixon, Elaine Osowski, Nigel Rees, Melinda Tuhus, Karen Wright. Web page editor: Anna Manzo. For more information, write to Scott Harris, Public Affairs Director, WPKN Radio, 244 University Avenue, Bridgeport, CT 06604. You can also send an e-mail request to Scott Harris. Return to the Between The Lines Home Page (C) 1999 BETWEEN THE LINES. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. |