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Access a specific text and RealAudio archive by clicking on the week's link below. FOR THE WEEK ENDING Dec. 3, 19991) Ellen Miller, executive director of Public Campaign, who discusses a recent federal court ruling that upheld a vote-approved law instituting public financing of political campaigns in the state of Maine. See information on the Maine court decision. 2) Robert Rabin, with the Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques, who reports on preparations being made by activists to resist the likely resumption of the U.S. military's bombing the Puerto Rican island. 3) Charlotte Arnold, policy director at the Center for Food Safety, who describes a lawsuit initiated by her group that challenges the Food and Drug Administration's failure to require labeling and pre-market safety-testing of genetically-engineered foods. See information on the lawsuit filed against the FDA. 1) Jeffrey Winters, associate professor of political economy at Northwestern University, who examines the global coalition that has formed to challenge the free trade policies of the World Trade Organization. Call 1-877-STOP-WTO to contact a coalition of groups opposing WTO policy. 2) Author and commentator Dr. Earl Ofari Hutchinson, who decries the dramatic loss of African-Amerian radio stations across the country in recent years. Dr. Hutchinson's column is posted on the Black World Today Web site at: www.tbtw.com 3) Elizabeth Horton Sheff, newly elected Connecticut Green Party member to the Hartford City Council, who discusses her hard-fought victory. See the party Web site. FOR THE WEEK ENDING Dec. 17, 1999 1)Michael Albert, an editor at Z Magazine,who assesses the strength of the movement that brought tens of thousands of demonstrators to Seattle to protest the policies of the World Trade Organization. In MP3 2)Martin Lee, author of the book "The Beast Reawakens," who examines the connection between the resurgence of neofascist groups and the drive for economic globalization. For more information on tracking right-wing movements, see Political Research Associates' Web site. 3)Barbara Briggs, senior associate with the National Labor Committee, who discusses the importance of the global anti-sweat shop campaign in building resistance to the policies of the World Trade Organization. Listen to the whole program on RealAudio. (Run time: 29:13 Needs RealPlayer G2) 1) Hussein Ibish, communications director with the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, who analyzes recently initiated peace talks between Israel and Syria and the effect they may have on negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians to reach a final peace agreement. Contact the committee at (203)244-2990 or visit their Web site at www.adc.org. 2)Michael Ratner, an attorney with the Center for Constitutional Rights, who examines the custody battle involving Elian Gonzalez, a 6-year-old Cuban boy rescued at sea -- who is in the middle of a custody battle between his father in Havana and relatives living in Miami. Contact the center at (203)212-614-6464. 3)Regina Butterill, the education director for the National Interfaith Committee for Worker Justice, who describes her organization's efforts to help consumers make socially responsible gift-giving choices this holiday season. To get a copy of the committee's consumer buying guide, call (773)728-8400 or visit their Web site at www.nicwj.org. 1) Chip Berlet, senior analyst with Political Research Associates, who assesses the danger of violence from extreme right wing groups who believe that the year 2000 will usher in an era of ritual purification and apocalypse. 2)Nettie Mayersohn, a New York State assemblywoman who discusses a controversial law that makes mandatory the testing of newborns for AIDS. For more information, see Melinda Tuhus' Dec. 12, 1999 New York Times article, "Groups Challenge New H.I.V. Testing Law." 3)Kathy Feng, of the Asian Pacific American Legal Center, who asserts that the U.S. government's prosecution of a Chinese American nuclear scientist raises troubling questions of stereotyping and scapegoating. Contact the Coalition formed to ensure Dr. Lee receives a fair trial at (212) 371-6565. **NEW** If you are a non-media organization and would like to receive a free email subscription to our new weekly print column, "Between The Lines Q&A," a selection of transcripts taken from BTL interviews, email your request to: Between The Lines. Between the Lines is available by subscription for broadcast or individual use. A one-year subscription is $120.00. Tapes of each week's show are also available for $8 each. Send a check or money order, payable to "WPKN Radio," to: Between the Lines/WPKN, 244 University Avenue, Bridgeport, CT 06604. Production staff: Ruben Abreu, Bill Cosentino, Prue Cullen, Archibald Currie, Rich Fraser, Scott Harris, Jamie Holmes, Valerie Kramer, Denise Manzari, Bob Nixon, Elaine Osowski, Nigel Rees, Melinda Tuhus, Karen Wright. Web page: Anna Manzo. For more information, write to Scott Harris, Public Affairs Director, WPKN Radio, 244 University Avenue, Bridgeport, CT 06604. You can also send an e-mail request to Scott Harris. Return to the Between The Lines Home Page (C) 1999 BETWEEN THE LINES. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. |