Louis Dubose, editor of the Texas Observer, who examines presidential candidate George W. Bush's history of exploiting his father's contacts to finance a succession of failed business ventures. Louis Dubose is co-author of the book, "Shrub, The Short but Happy Political Life of George W. Bush" by Random House. The book is co-written with Molly Ivins.
Wayne Madsen, with the Electronic Privacy Information Center, who describes the threat to civil liberties he feels emanates from the U.S. National Security Agency's Echelon communications spy network, which can intercept phone calls, faxes, Internet communications instantaneously. Contact EPIC by calling (202) 544-9240. Visit the EPIC Web site at: www.epic.org
Robert Meeropol, executive director of the Rosenberg Fund for Children, who discusses his personal journey of being the child of parents executed for political crimes -- to founding an organization that assists the children of anti-racism, environmental, labor and political activists persecuted for their political beliefs. Contact the Rosenberg Fund at (413)739-9020 or visit their Web site at: www.rfc.org