News and Analysis
For The Week Ending April 28, 2000
Listen to this week's half-hour program of Between The Lines or any of the individual interview segments below (All in RealAudio, needs RealPlayer 7 or RealPlayer G2).
This week we present Between The Lines' summary of under-reported news stories and:
Interviews with activists who participated in recent actions in Washington, D.C. opposing the policies of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.
Contact the organizers of the IMF/World Bank actions at 1-(202) 544-9355 or visit their Web site at
U.S. Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, who spoke at an April 16th rally before tens of thousands during the Mobilization for Global Justice demonstration in Washington, D.C.
Contact the Network at 1-(202) 544-9355 or visit their Web site at
Rev. Lucius Walker, founder of Pastors for Peace, challenges the Cold War view of Cuba during the four-month debate over the custody of 6-year-old Elian Gonzalez.