Listen to this week's half-hour program of Between The Lines or any of the individual interview segments below (All in RealAudio, needs RealPlayer 7 or RealPlayer G2).
Peruvian law states that every citizen must vote, or risk a fine of one-third of a month's salary. Nevertheless, almost 10 percent of the population refused to participate.
Human rights groups charge Fujimori with condoning blatant human rights violations, including the unjust imprisonment of U.S. citizen Lori Berenson, a freelance journalist who had been living in Peru. Berenson was convicted before a hooded judge in a military court in 1996 and sentenced to life in prison for treason, after Fujimori's government accused her of being a leader of the MRTA, or Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Group.
Berenson family members maintain that Lori is innocent, and take turns visiting her every two weeks in Peru. Lori's parents, Mark and Rhoda Berenson, spoke with Between The Lines' Denise Manzari about how they feel the re-election of Alberto Fujimori may affect their daughter's case.
For more information on Lori Berenson's case, you can visit her supporters' Web site at
Over the years, Peltier's case has gained wide notoriety around the world. Many human rights groups, and even some heads of state, have called for his immediate release, believing that Leonard Peltier is a political prisoner framed by a corrupt justice system.
Between The Lines' Melinda Tuhus spoke with Gina Kiala, with the Leonard Peltier Defense Committee, who provides an update on the continuing legal battle to free the American Indian activist who has been imprisoned for 24 years.
Contact the Leonard Peltier Defense Committee by calling (785) 842-5774 or visit their Web site at
With an unprecedented wave of megamedia mergers, changing these rule is a top priority for corporations such as the Tribune Company and Viacom, which have recently acquired Times Mirror and CBS. If current regulations stay in place, these media giants may be forced to sell off their valuable new properties.
Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Mark Lloyd, national coordinator of People for Better Television, who examines these FCC proposals and the impact further concentration of ownership may have on citizens already facing a loss of diversity in available media outlets.
Contact People for Better Televison by calling 1-888-374-PBTV or visit their Web site at