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- Physicist Michio Kaku on whose way of life was preserved in the Persian Gulf War
- MIT professor and U.S. foreign policy critic Noam Chomsky , on what the demise of the Soviet Union means to the rest of the world
- Z Magazine editor Michael Albert on the new coalition that organized anti-World Trade Organization protests in Seattle
- Green Party presidential candidate Ralph Nader on his exclusion from the 2000 presidential debate
Between The Lines Archive
For The Week Ending April 6, 2001
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This week we present Between The Lines' summary of under-reported news stories and:
- White House Rhetoric and Actions Signal Dangerous Chill in U.S.-Russian Relations
Interview by Scott Harris.
- In the wake of the arrest of FBI agent Robert Philip Hanssen on charges that he had spied for Russia for some 15 years, the Bush administration chose to retaliate by expelling 50 Russian diplomats. This set off a Cold War "spy vs. spy" tit-for-tat expulsion of four U.S. diplomats from Moscow with the total expected to reach 50 in the coming months.
In office for little more than two months, the Bush administration is aggressively going forward with a treaty-busting missile defense program and plans to expand NATO into eastern Europe, despite strong Russian objections. This added to recent hostile comments directed at Moscow by Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and his deputy Paul Wolfowitz have many diplomatic observers concerned that the White House may be embarking upon a foreign policy reminiscent of the dark days of the Cold War.
Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Stephen Cohen, professor of Russian Studies at New York University, who assesses the Bush administration's early confrontations with Russia and the dangers inherent in igniting a new Cold War.
Stephen Cohen's latest book is titled, "Failed Crusade, America and the Tragedy of Post-Communist Russia," published by Norton.
Related links:
- Zapatistas Negotiating Indigenous Rights Accord with Mexico's Divided Legislature
Interview by Melinda Tuhus.
- Since the Zapatista National Liberation Army's armed rebellion in January 1994, the rebels have been fighting, through mostly nonviolent means, to protect the economic and civil rights of Mexico's impoverished indigenous population. After defeating Mexico's Institutional Revolutionary Party, in power for 70 years, the nation's new president, Vicente Fox, has promised to use his authority to make peace with the Zapatistas and their supporters.
Twenty-three Zapatista leaders, including their flamboyant spokesman, Subcomandante Marcos, arrived in Mexico's capital city with throngs of local and international supporters, after a monthlong caravan through 10 Mexican states. The rebels, from Mexico's poorest state of Chiapas, hoped to meet with government officials to negotiate an accord protecting indigenous rights. Although members of Congress initially refused to meet with the Zapatistas, legislators later voted by a narrow margin to open a dialogue. Meanwhile, Subcomandante Marcos has rejected a meeting proposed by President Fox, saying that Fox has not yet met preconditions for direct talks, which include the closure of key military bases in Chiapas and the release of Zapatistas and their supporters imprisoned on federal charges.
Between The Lines' Melinda Tuhus spoke with Fred Rosen, director of the North American Congress on Latin America (NACLU), who discusses the ongoing negotiations in Mexico City and the significance of the Zapatista campaign to win legislation securing rights for Mexico's indigenous population.
Contact the North American Congress on Latin America by calling (212) 870-3146 or visit their Web site at
Additional links:
- Lori Berenson Stands Trial Again in Peru's Courts
Interview by Denise Manzari.
- On March 13, Mark and Rhoda Berenson traveled to Peru to attend the oral public phase of the judicial proceedings against their daughter Lori that began in Lima a week later.
In 1996, Berenson was convicted of treason by a special military tribunal and given a life sentence. The Supreme Military Council overturned that sentence on Aug. 28, after a series of delays caused in part by then Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori's decision -- in violation of Peru's constitution -- to run for a third term and his subsequent repeated condemnation of Lori Berenson during the political campaign. Her case has now been remanded to Peru's "special" civilian terrorism courts established by Fujimori, now in self-imposed exile in Japan.
The U.S. State Department and international human rights organizations have condemned these courts for their lack of openness, fairness and due process. Meanwhile, the government of Peru has recently released video tapes that provide evidence of widespread government corruption and, according to critics, reveal that Lori Berenson's case was always a political, rather than a judicial matter.
With the present government of interim President Valentin Panagua struggling to re-establish democracy and human rights, the Berenson family says they remain hopeful that the truth will prevail and the courts will recognize their daughter's innocence. But they are concerned that a fair trial may be impossible due to the intensely hostile misinformation promoted by the previous administration, which formed the basis of negative media coverage.
Between The Lines' Denise Manzari spoke with Rhoda Berenson from Lima, Peru.
For more information about Lori Berenson's case, call (212) 870-3146 or visit her supporters' Web site at
- This week's summary of under-reported news
Compiled by Bob Nixon and Denise Manzari
- Majority of California voters now support the state government's buyout of power grids and creation of a public power authority . (Tne Nation, March 19, 2001)
- Canadian security forces preparing a major crackdown on anti-corporate globalization protesters headed to Quebec City for the April 21-22 Summit of the Americas, which will lay the groundwork of a hemisphere-wide free trade agreement. (In These Times, April 2, 2001)
- Environmentalists and activists mourn the death of Greenpeace founder David McTaggart.
Senior news editor/writer: Bob Nixon
News writer: Denise Manzari
Program narration: Denise Manzari
News reader: Arch Currie
Distribution: Anna Manzo, Harry Minot, Jeff Yates
Web editor/producer: Anna Manzo
Producers: Melinda Tuhus and Denise Manzari
Executive producer: Scott Harris
... MORE ...
Between The Lines' 10th Anniversary CD
Between The Lines Special Report on Protest Against White Supremacists in Wallingford, Conn.
"Protesters Confront World Church of the Creator Founder Matthew Hale" Between The Lines report, Week Ending March 23, 2001.
April 17-22, 2001 FTAA Summit Protest Resources
"Labor, Environmental and Human Rights Groups Organizing to Oppose April Americas Free Trade Treaty Summit in Quebec City" Between The Lines interview with Alliance for Responsible Trade's Karen Hansen Kuhn, Feb. 26, 2001
"Quebec City Crackdown,", by Darryl LeRoux, Feb. 20, 2001
People's Summit of the Americas II, Grassroots coalition Schedule of Events for people's forums, teach-ins, rallies, mass demonstration. (
Quebec Independent Media Center
ZNet's Global Economic Crisis resource site Excellent source for understanding global economics and trade issues and particularly in preparation for ongoing demonstrations about economic justice
Between The Lines/WPKN Report on Pacifica Radio Network-WBAI, N.Y. Crisis
Jan. 8, 2001 Interviews with Utrice Leid, Leslie Cagan, and Bernard White
Foreign Reports on the U.S. Election Cover-Up
"Silence Of The Lambs: The Election Story Never Told", Whistleblowers Section, by Greg Palast, March 1, 2001
Post Inauguration and Electoral Reform Resources
"Making Every Vote Count", The Nation Magazine, Special Section
"Hailing the Thief," The Nation Special Web Exclusive Report, by Ben Ehrenreich
Between The Lines/WPKN 'Profiles Bush Cabinet Nominees' Archive:
"John Ashcroft Sought White Supremacist Political Support"
Interior Department Nominee Gale Norton at Odds with Public Support for Protecting the Environment
"Attorney General Nominee's Career Marked by Opposition to Reproductive Rights and Civil Rights Law"
"From Vietnam to Florida's Disenfranchisement of Black Voters: Unheroic Moments in Secretary of State Nominee Colin Powell's Career"
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