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THIS WEEK'S PROGRAMLISTEN to this week's half-hour program of Between The Lines by clicking on one of the links below. Individual interview segments and news summary will available below. MP3 files available until Sept. 5, 2001.
of under-reported news stories and:
Christopher Hitchens Discusses Why He Believes
The effort by human rights groups around the world to hold accountable tyrants and dictators for their past crimes has recently gotten a boost. The detention of former Chilean ruler General Augusto Pinochet in Britain and the arrest of Yugoslavia's former strongman Slobodan Milosevic and his transfer to the Hague to stand trial are two of the most dramatic examples of a new resolve to bring to justice those leaders who have committed gross human rights violations in time of war or in the name of preserving their own power.
But author and columnist Christopher Hitchens believes that in our quest to punish those who are responsible for the murder and untold suffering of thousands of innocents, we here in the U.S. ignore our own demons. In his book, "The Trial of Henry Kissinger," Hitchens points the finger squarely at former Secretary of State Kissinger who served under Presidents Nixon and Ford. Hitchens accuses Kissinger of complicity in assassinations, human rights abuses and undermining democracy in Chile, East Timor and Greece. He also charges the Nobel Prize winner of sabotaging the 1968 peace negotiations to end the Vietnam War in order to benefit Nixon's presidential campaign.
Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Hitchens who explains why he believes Kissinger is a "one man international rolling crime wave" who should be tried for war crimes. "The Trial of Henry Kissinger" is published by Verso Books.
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Describes Lawsuit Against FBI and Oakland Police Dept. Interview by Melinda Tuhus.
In May 1990, a bomb exploded in the car of Oakland, Calif. Earth First! activists Judy Bari and Darryl Cherney. Bari was almost killed, while Cherney suffered lesser injuries. The Oakland Police Dept. and the FBI arrested Bari and Cherney while they lay in their hospital beds, charging them with carrying the device and of being terrorists who planned to use the bomb in their campaign to save Northern California's Redwood Forests from clearcutting. With no evidence to back up their claim, authorities were forced to drop the charges, but not before conducting a damaging smear campaign against Earth First!
In the 11 years since, Earth First! activists have continued their direct action campaigns to save old-growth forests, but they have also sought justice in the courts over the bombing case. Bari and Cherney sued the Oakland Police and the FBI for civil rights violations. Despite Judi Bari's death from cancer in 1997, the case has gone forward and a trial is set to begin Oct. 1.
Between The Lines' Melinda Tuhus spoke with Darryl Cherney, who explains what the activists hope to gain from the lawsuit and the relevance of the case to progressive movements across the nation.
To find out more about the lawsuit, call Earth First! at (707) 498-2700 or visit the plaintiff's Web site at www.judibari.org
Struggles of 1960s to Today's Fight for Social Justice Speech recorded and produced by Scott Harris.
In the midst of the struggle for civil rights and growing opposition to the Vietnam War, Bobby Seale cofounded the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense with Huey P. Newton in 1966.
Although the militant group was best known for its call for "Black Power" and violent confrontations with police, they became popular in America's poor inner city neighborhoods by organizing free breakfast programs for school children, health clinics and literacy classes.
Bobby Seale and the leadership of the Panthers were the targets of the FBI's Counter Intelligence program or "COINTELPRO" that often used infiltrators and deadly force to suppress and divide the radical movements of the day. By 1969, some 29 members of the Black Panther party and 14 police officers were killed in shootouts around the U.S.
Bobby Seale, the author of three books including "Seize The Time," was arrested numerous times including a charge that he was complicit in the murder of a police informant in New Haven, Conn. He spent two years in jail before being freed after a jury failed to reach a verdict.
On June 20, Seale returned to New Haven, and spoke about the relationship between the radical politics of the 1960s and the rebirth of activism and today's growing worldwide movement for social justice.
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Compiled by Bob Nixon
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![]() ... MORE ... Between The Lines' 10th Anniversary CD American Revolution Feature Follow up Stories on G8 Summit Protest/Police Brutality, Genoa, Italy "Fascism's Face in Genoa," Commentary by John J. Allen Jr., The Nation, Aug. 20, 2001. Stunning personal statements from U.S. protesters beaten at G8 Protest summit" www.stopwhalekill.org U.K's The Observer Special Reports on G8 Summit Protests News stories glaringly omitted by the U.S. media Alternet.org's Globalization articles www.alternet.org Collection of articles on the protests in Genoa, Italy Upcoming Protests Sept. 28-Oct. 3, International Monetary Fund/World Bank, Washington, D.C. www.september30.org Sept. 28-Oct. 4, International Monetary Fund/World Bank, Washington, D.C. www.abolishthebank.org Sept. 29 International Action Center's "Surround the White House," www.iacenter.org Sept. 29 "Beat Back the Bush Attack!" www.beatbackbush.org, by the International Action Center Sept. 28-Oct. 4, School of the Americas Watch's International Days of Action Against the IMF, www.soaw.org Economic Globalization Resources ZNet's Global Economic Crisis resource site Excellent source for understanding global economics and trade issues and particularly in preparation for ongoing demonstrations about economic justice Post Inauguration and Electoral Reform Resources "National Lawyers Guild Considers Campaign to Impeach Supreme Court Justices Who Stopped Florida Vote Count" Between The Lines interview, Aug. 10, 2001 "Making Every Vote Count", The Nation Magazine, Special Section
Multi-Ethnic Public Issues Advocacy
Dr. Earl Ofari Hutchinson's Commentaries, The Hutchinson Report
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