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of under-reported news stories and:
U.S. Walkout of World Conference Against
Much of the world and many Americans protested the Bush administration's decision not to send Secretary of State Colin Powell to the World Conference Against Racism in Durban, South Africa. The White House defended its decision to send only a mid-level delegation by citing their opposition to proposed conference declarations equating Zionism with racism and a call for reparations to victims of the slave trade.
As the conference got underway, behind the scenes negotiations conducted by Norwegian diplomats failed to reach any compromise moderating proposed language in conference documents that condemned "the racist practices of Zionism," and described Israeli's treatment of Palestinians as a "new kind of apartheid." On Monday, Sept. 3 the U.S and Israeli delegates walked out of the conference. Although the U.S. had boycotted previous U.N. sponsored forums on racism in 1978 and 1983, the Bush administration's handling of this meeting and its recent non-participation in a long list of other major international conferences and treaties has made the U.S. a lightning rod for criticism for what many view as an arrogant and isolationist posture.
Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Ron Daniels, executive director at the Center for Constitutional Rights, who examines the U.S. walkout of the World Conference Against Racism and the opportunities that may have been lost to promote tolerance and advance human rights.
Contact the Center for Constitutional Rights by calling them at (212) 614-6464.
Related links:
Lays Out 4 Key Demands in Advance of September Actions Interview by Scott Harris.
Large demonstrations in Seattle, Prague, Quebec, Goteborg, Genoa and other cities around the globe over the past two years have heralded the birth of a new international social justice movement. Whether the target was the World Trade Organization, the World Bank and International Monetary Fund or the leaders of the eight leading industrial nations, the demands of protesters that shadow these meetings revolve around similar themes: reducing the growing gap between rich and poor nations, protecting the earth's environment and placing human values above market values.
Tens of thousands of activists are now planning to converge in Washington, D.C. on Sept. 29 and 30 to protest the policies of the World Bank and IMF for the second time since April 2000. Demonstrators, who are organizing both legal demonstrations and non-violent civil disobedience, will be met by a 9-foot high fence constructed around a large section of the nation's capitol and thousands of police recruited from all over the East Coast.
Although much of the corporate media narrowly focus their coverage of this growing protest movement on confrontations between demonstrators and police, the organizers behind this action are working hard to place their complaints about the policies of the World Bank and IMF before the public. Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Robert Naiman, senior analyst with the Center for Economic and Policy Research, currently working with the Mobilization for Global Justice, who lays out the demands of labor, environmental, and human rights groups coming to Washington, D.C. the last week in September.
Contact the Mobilization for Global Justice office at (202) 265-7714 or visit their Web site at www.globalizethis.org
Related links:
John Sweeney Has Achieved Mixed Results Interview by Scott Harris.
While most nations across the globe honor workers on May 1, the U.S. stands virtually alone in celebrating Labor Day on the first Monday of September. This is particularly ironic given that the May Day holiday originated out of the struggle for an 8-hour day in the U.S., where police attacked labor activists at Chicago's Haymarket Square during the first week of May, 1886.
For several decades, the number of union members in the U.S. has been falling. Where organized labor once represented more than 30 percent of the work force in the 1960s, it now represents only 13.5 percent of all workers. The decline in numbers continues despite the installation of new leadership at the AFL-CIO six years ago. John Sweeney, who was elected president of the labor federation in 1995, promised to reverse labor's decline. While Sweeney and his team have had mixed results in recruiting new members, they have been successful in changing labor's tarnished image.
Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with David Moberg, a senior editor at In These Times, who assesses John Sweeney's leadership and the institutional barriers hindering union organizing in the U.S.
Related links:
Compiled by Bob Nixon
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... MORE ... Between The Lines' 10th Anniversary CD American Revolution Feature Upcoming Protests Sept. 28-Oct. 3, Mobilization for Social Justice, International Monetary Fund/World Bank, Washington, D.C. www.september30.org Sept. 26-Oct. 1, Anti-Capitalist Convergence, International Monetary Fund/World Bank, Washington, D.C. www.abolishthebank.org Sept. 29 International Action Center's "Surround the White House,"www.iacenter.org Sept. 29 the International Action Center's "Beat Back the Bush Attack!" www.beatbackbush.org, Sept. 28-Oct. 4, School of the Americas Watch's International Days of Action Against the IMF, www.soaw.org Follow up Stories on G8 Summit Protest/Police Brutality, Genoa, Italy "Fascism's Face in Genoa," Commentary by John J. Allen Jr., The Nation, Aug. 20, 2001. Stunning personal statements from U.S. protesters beaten at G8 Protest summit" www.stopwhalekill.org U.K's The Observer Special Reports on G8 Summit Protests News stories glaringly omitted by the U.S. media Alternet.org's Globalization articles www.alternet.org Collection of articles on the protests in Genoa, Italy Economic Globalization Resources ZNet's Global Economic Crisis resource site Excellent source for understanding global economics and trade issues and particularly in preparation for ongoing demonstrations about economic justice "The Fight for Everything" A series of interviews with activists and leaders of grassroots, progressive groups analyzing the goals, strategy and tactics of the global social justice movement Post Inauguration and Electoral Reform Resources "National Lawyers Guild Considers Campaign to Impeach Supreme Court Justices Who Stopped Florida Vote Count" Between The Lines interview, Aug. 10, 2001 "Making Every Vote Count", The Nation Magazine, Special Section
Multi-Ethnic Public Issues Advocacy
Dr. Earl Ofari Hutchinson's Commentaries, The Hutchinson Report
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