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Between The Lines
For The Week Ending Aug. 2, 2002


LISTEN to this week's half-hour program of Between The Lines by clicking on one of the links below. MP3 files available until Aug. 7, 2002.

This week we present Between The Lines' summary
of under-reported news stories and:

Deregulation Frenzy of Past Decades Responsible
for Today's Corporate Failures and Corruption

Interview with Doug Dowd, editor of the book "Understanding Capitalism," by Scott Harris

The recent string of U.S. business failures coupled with revelations of massive fraud carried out by the nation's corporate elite, has shaken confidence among investors across the globe. As WorldCom filed for the largest bankruptcy in U.S. history, the American stock market plummeted. Ten days after President Bush went to Wall Street to outline his administration's response to the corporate crime wave, the Dow Jones Average had fallen 16 percent. In fact the U.S. stock market, in recent days, has seen its worst performance since the crash of 1987.

Many analysts believe that the recent U.S. recession was made less severe by continued consumer spending. But there is widespread concern that the economy could take a precipitous dive if the public, frightened by the instability of the markets, decides to stop buying. Consumer confidence is bound to become even more uncertain after disclosures that Citigroup and JP Morgan Chase had made a secret deal with Enron -- before the energy giant's collapse -- that allowed the company to evade accounting regulations concealing its financial condition.

Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Doug Dowd, professor of economics and author of the book, "Understanding Capitalism," who examines the downward spiral of the stockmarket and what it may mean for the U.S. and global economy.

"Understanding Capitalism is published by Pluto Press. Visit Doug Dowd's Web site at

Related links

White House Withdrawal of $34 Million from UN Population Fund
Seen As Political Ploy to Satisfy GOP's Antiabortion Faction

Interview with the Terry O'Neill,
membership vice president of
National Organization for Women, by Denise Manzari

On July 22, the Bush administration announced it would not contribute to the United Nations Population Fund, charging that the monies would be used to support Chinese government agencies that force women to have abortions.

Thirty-four million dollars in aid had been approved by Congress last year for the agency, and President Bush had signed the bill. During his confirmation hearing, Secretary of State Colin Powell had praised the Population Fund for its invaluable work, which provides family planning and reproductive health services in 142 countries.

Internal administration disputes within the administration about whether to withhold the money resulted in the State Department sending a fact-finding team to China last year, which found no evidence of direct United nations funds being used in governmental population programs.

Anti-abortion groups were pleased with the decision, but women's groups and other supporters of abortion rights say Bush is willing to use international family planning assistance as a political tool.

Terry O'Neill is membership vice president at the National Organization for Women. She spoke with Between The Lines' Denise Manzari about the effects she fears Mr. Bush's decision will have on women and their families by denying them cost-effective health intervention.

For more information, call NOW at (202) 628-8665 or visit their Web site at

Bush Administration's Proposed Domestic Spy Program
Echoes Dark Days of McCarthy Era

Interview with author and historian Athan Theoharis,
by Scott Harris

The Bush administration has proposed yet more programs that they say will deter future terrorist attacks on the U.S. Among the most controversial of these proposals is the Terrorist Information and Prevention System or Operation TIPS. This program would recruit potentially millions of citizen informants to report unusual or suspicious activity to the Justice Department. Those enlisted in the program would serve as "extra eyes and ears for law enforcement," and include train conductors, utility meter readers, ship captains, truck and bus drivers.

Although TIPS was due to begin a pilot operation in August with up to a million informants in 10 cities, the program has run into problems. The U.S. Post office stated it would not allow their letter carriers to be involved in the program and House Majority Leader Dick Armey rejected TIPS and a White House proposal to institute a national identification card system. Civil liberties advocates have expressed concern that the program could be abused by individuals with an axe to grind or target specific groups based on their race or ethnicity.

Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Athan Theoharis, professor of history at Marquette University and author of the book. "Spying on Americans." He discusses the dangers he sees inherent in the TIPS program reflecting on the history of repression during the McCarthy era.

Athan Theoharis' latest book is titled, "Chasing Spies: How the FBI Failed in Counterintelligence But Promoted the Politics of McCarthyism in the Cold War Years," published by Ivan Dee.

This week's summary of under-reported news
Compiled by Bob Nixon

  • Activist movement to abolish nuclear weapons is on the upswing. ("Saying Not to Nuclear Weapons," June 24, 2002)
  • West Papua independence movement still alive despite assassination of its leaders and Indonesian Army repression. ("West Papua Rising," New Internationalist, April 2002)
  • Texas Board of Education may set right-wing agenda for textbook publishers and schools nationwide. ("Rewriting Texas Texts," July/August 2002)

Senior news editor/writer: Bob Nixon
Program narration: Denise Manzari
News reader: Nigel Rees
Segment producer: Denise Manzari
Distribution: Anna Manzo, Harry Minot, Jeff Yates
Web editor/producer: Anna Manzo
Executive producer: Scott Harris

... MORE ...


Due to space considerations at the current time, the downloadable version of the RealAudio half-hour program is not available. The full program in streaming format is available.

Last Week's Program

Between The Lines Week Ending 7/26/02

G8 Aid Pledge to Africa Branded Neocolonialism

Neoliberal Economic Strings Attached in G8 Aid Pledge to Africa Interview with Kevin Danaher, cofounder of Global Exchange

Stop the War March on Washington, D.C. April 20th, 2002

Between The Lines Special Report: Interviews with Rev. Billy and John Cavanagh, Institute for Policy Studies on Independent Progressive Politics Network

"Energy Standoff in Central Asia

"Bush Fuels Oil Conspiracy Theory," by Ted Rall,, Jan. 10, 2002

"Pipeline Politics: Oil, The Taliban and the Political Balance of Central Asia," World Press Review Special Report

"The New Great Game: Oil Politics in Central Asia" by Ted Rall,, October 11, 2001,

Economic Globalization Resources

ZNet's Global Economic Crisis resource site Excellent source for understanding global economics and trade issues in preparation for ongoing demonstrations about economic justice

Multi-Ethnic Public Issues Advocacy

Dr. Earl Ofari Hutchinson's Commentaries, The Hutchinson Report

Between The Lines' 10th Anniversary CD


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