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THIS WEEK'S PROGRAMLISTEN to this week's half-hour program of Between The Lines by clicking on one of the links below. MP3 files available until Jan. 22, 2003.
Korean Crisis Aggravated by Hostile Rhetoric
Interview with Karin Lee,
While the Bush administration gathers its forces in the Persian Gulf to prosecute a war against Iraq, a growing crisis on the Korean peninsula has attracted international concern and attention. North Korea's recent admission that it had maintained a covert nuclear weapons program -- in violation of a 1994 accord with the U.S -- combined with open hostility from the White House, has escalated the crisis. North Korea's expulsion of U.N. weapons inspectors and the reopening of its plutonium producing reactor at Yongbyon, has provoked condemnation from the International Atomic Energy Agency which warned that if Pyongyang does not change course, economic sanctions could be applied.
South Korean president Kim Dae-jung won a Nobel prize, in part, for initiating his "sunshine" policy toward North Korea. The effort to ease tensions and normalize relations between the Koreas was supported by the Clinton administration which signed a 1994 accord with the North to supply fuel oil and two light water nuclear reactors in exchange for Pyongyang's pledge to halt development of nuclear weapons. But upon taking office, President Bush withdrew support for normalization and remained inconsistent in its willingness to talk with the Communist North.
Despite the crisis, South Korea's president-elect Roh Moon-hyun speaks for many of his citizens when he advocates a more moderate approach in dealing with the North than Washington. Growing hostility to the U.S. in South Korea stems from the perceived arrogance of a superpower and violence committed against civilians by some of the 37,000 U.S. servicemen stationed there. Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Karin Lee of the Friends Committee on National Legislation, who examines the roots of the current crisis on the Korean Peninsula.
Contact the Friends Committee on National Legislation by calling (202) 547-6000 or visit their Web site at www.fcnl.org
Playwright, feminist and anti-violence activist Eve Ensler
Violence against women is an ongoing worldwide scourge and epidemic. The crime encompasses rape, sexual mutilation, the buying and selling of women and girls, and other forms of violence. UNIFEM, the United Nations Development Program for Women, hosted a program recently that presented stories illustrating how funds from UNIFEM have created programs to bring hope and healing to victims who have suffered unbearable violence. The event was held in conjunction with the fourth annual International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on Nov. 25th. The theme of the program was "Not a Minute More."
Playwright, feminist and anti-violence activist Eve Ensler opened the program by reading her essay called "V World - what it looks like when violence against women has ended."
Visit Eve Ensler's anti-violence Web site at www.vday.org To reach UNIFEM, call at (202) 906-6400 or visit their Web site at www.unifem.undp.org
Interview with Jerome Berrigan,
Philip Berrigan, who was drafted into World War II, began his 40-year struggle for peace in 1967 when he poured blood on draft files in Baltimore with three other activists. They came to be known as the "Baltimore Four." He also led the "Catonsville Nine" action staging one of the most dramatic protests against the Vietnam War in 1968 by dousing homemade napalm on a small bonfire of draft records in a Catonsville, Md. parking lot. This action inspired a generation of anti-war dissent. Berrigan, the first priest to participate in a civil rights movement Freedom Ride in the early 1960s, helped found the Plowshares movement in 1980. The group's tactics included destroying military property in anti-war and anti-nuclear protests, actions which put Berrigan in federal prison for almost 11 years. Berrigan's brothers, Jerome and Dan Berrigan, a Jesuit priest, also committed their lives to fight for peace and justice. Between The Lines' Denise Manzari spoke with Jerome Berrigan, who remembers his brother Philip, who some called the "prophet of peace." For more information on the plowshares movement, visit their Web site www.plowsharesactions.org. Memorial donations can be sent to Jonah House, 1301 Moreland Ave., Baltimore, Md. 21216
of under-reported news Compiled by Bob Nixon
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... MORE ... Last Week's Program Between The Lines Week Ending 01/10/03 War With Iraq "U.S. Had Key Role in Iraq Buildup: Trade in Chemical Arms Allowed Despite Their Use on Iranians, Kurds" By Michael Dobbs, Washington Post, Dec. 30, 2002, Page A01 U.S. Facing Bigger Bill For Iraq War Total Cost Could Run As High as $200 Billion, by Michael Dobbs, Washington Post, Dec. 1, 2002, Page A01 IMF/World Bank and Anti-Iraq War Protest Interviews, Teach-Ins Sept. 27-29,2002 Interviews with Mary Bull, Medea Benjamin, Ralph Nader in D.C. (in MP3 format) "Stopping Water Privatizers at Home and Abroad," Part 1 Featuring Clemente Martinez and Rudolf Amenga-Etego on campaigns in Nicaragua and Ghana. In RealAudio. Energy Standoff in Central Asia "Bush Fuels Oil Conspiracy Theory," by Ted Rall, www.AlterNet.org, Jan. 10, 2002 "Pipeline Politics: Oil, The Taliban and the Political Balance of Central Asia," World Press Review Special Report "The New Great Game: Oil Politics in Central Asia" by Ted Rall, www.AlterNet.org, October 11, 2001, Economic Globalization Resources ZNet's Global Economic Crisis resource site Excellent source for understanding global economics and trade issues in preparation for ongoing demonstrations about economic justice
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