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Between The Lines
For The Week Ending Oct. 3, 2003


ANNOUNCEMENTS: Scott Harris' in-depth interview with former UN weapons inspector and U.S. Marine Scott Ritter is now available. Click here to listen to the audio.

Archive restoration is underway; some files older than Nov. 2001 may not be available. Please let us know of any nonworking links.

  • As Chaos Reigns in Iraq,
    Bush's Political Support
    Plummets at Home,

    For story text and audio, Click here!

  • Immigrant Workers' Freedom Ride
    Aims to Raise Awareness of Low Pay,
    Dangerous Working Conditions

    For story text and audio, Click here!

  • Union Victory at Yale Has Broader
    Significance for Labor Movement

    For story text and audio, Click here!

  • Underreported News Summary
    from Around the World

    For full summary and audio, Click here!
LISTEN to this week's half-hour program of Between The Lines by clicking on one of the links below. MP3 files available until Oct. 7, 2003.

This week we present Between The Lines' summary of under-reported news stories and:

As Chaos Reigns in Iraq,
Bush's Political Support
Plummets at Home

Interview with John Nichols,
Washington correspondent
with The Nation magazine,
conducted by Scott Harris

As George W. Bush addressed the United Nations' General Assembly Sept. 23rd in an attempt to win support from skeptical governments around the world for what has become a chaotic and bloody U.S. occupation of Iraq, the president was quickly losing political support at home. The combination of an anemic economy and continued instability both in Iraq and Afghanistan have contributed to a loss in confidence in the president as seen in recent public opinion polls.

Several polls conducted in late September found that President Bush's approval rating had sunk to around 50 percent, his lowest standing since he took office after the disputed election of 2000. Support among Americans for the Bush administration's war in Iraq has also seen a precipitous drop, from a high in the over 60 percent range to a new low of 50 percent.

Although many Democratic Party leaders had voted for a congressional resolution authorizing Mr. Bush's invasion of Iraq, some Democrats now running for the White House are openly attacking the president for misrepresenting the truth in making his case for a U.S. war. The growing concern among Americans about the weak economic recovery, coupled with the loss of nearly three million jobs since the president was sworn into office, has emboldened many Democrats' critique of the Republican's foreign and domestic policies. Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with John Nichols, Washington correspondent with The Nation magazine, who looks at the president's declining approval rating and the strength of the Democratic candidates now vying for Mr. Bush's job.

Read John Nichols' articles in the pages of The Nation or online at

Related links:

Immigrant Workers' Freedom Ride
Aims to Raise Awareness of Low Pay,
Dangerous Working Conditions

Interview with David Glaser,
national director of
the Immigrant Workers' Freedom Ride,
conducted by Scott Harris

In an echo of the freedom riders who risked their lives in the South during the 1960s struggle for civil rights, almost 1,000 immigrants boarded buses in ten cities in late September, headed for New York City and Washington, D.C. The goal of the Immigrant Workers' Freedom Ride, as it's called, is to raise awareness about the low wages, dangerous working conditions and exploitation often encountered by immigrant workers. Groups supporting the Freedom Ride, who include labor unions, churches and civil rights organizations, are also calling for the legalization of the estimated 8 million to 10 million undocumented immigrants currently living in the U.S.

The buses will bring the immigrants and their supporters first to the nation's Capitol for meetings with congressional representatives before proceeding onto New York City, for a major rally to be held Oct. 4 at Flushing Meadows Park in the borough of Queens, home to one of the most ethnically diverse communities in America.

Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with David Glaser, national director of the Immigrant Workers' Freedom Ride, who discusses the caravan, public attitudes toward immigrants after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and the stake the labor movement has in the future status of immigrant workers.

Contact the Immigrant Workers' Freedom Ride by calling (202) 661-4204 or visit their website at

Related links

Union Victory at Yale Has Broader
Significance for Labor Movement

Interview with John Wilhelm,
president of the Hotel Employees
and Restaurant Employees Union
conducted by Melinda Tuhus

On Sept. 19, workers at Yale University overwhelmingly approved new contracts after a strike lasting more than three weeks. The 1,100 maintenance and dining hall workers, joined by almost 3,000 clerical and technical workers, won higher wages, better job security, another step on the advancement ladder, and perhaps most importantly - a substantial increase in pension pay.

The Yale unions, Locals 34 and 35, belong to HERE -- the Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees International Union -- whose president, John Wilhelm, a Yale graduate, began working for the union 35 years ago. He participated in negotiations at different points in the 19-month period after the last contract expired and the strike started on Aug. 27. But once it did start, he sat in on every meeting, going head to head with Yale president Rick Levin in talks mediated by New Haven Mayor John DeStefano Jr.

The strike was settled on a Sept. 19. Three days later, Wilhelm appeared at a news conference outside Yale-New Haven Hospital with other labor leaders, elected officials, clergy and hospital workers. They were there to push for contracts for the 150 dietary workers who are members of Local 1199/SEIU and for a fair process to organize the other 1,700 service workers at the hospital. Between The Lines' Melinda Tuhus spoke with Wilhelm about the unique aspects of the successful fight at Yale and the significance of this victory for the rest of the labor movement.

For more information on the labor struggle at Yale, call HERE at (203) 624-5161 or visit their website at

Related links

This week's summary
of under-reported news

Compiled by Bob Nixon and Brita Brundage

  • Saudi Arabia, under renewed heat for its links to terrorists, is reportedly seeking a nuclear deterrent. ("Saudis Consider Nuclear Bomb," The Guardian, Sept. 18, 2003 online version)
  • The Pentagon is turning to America's Latino population to play a larger military role in the expanding war on terrorism. ("Pentagon targets Latinos and Mexicans to man the front lines in war on terror," The Independent, September 2003 and "Hispanic Soldiers Die in Greater Numbers in Iraq," by Miriam Kagan, InterPress, Sept. 22, 2003; "Immigrants Could End up Fighting War in Iraq," by Rodolfo F. Acuņa, Miami Herald, Sept.19, 2003).
  • In the latest battle for health care reform the state of Illinois is looking into buying lower-cost prescription drugs directly from Canada, as the Bush administration seeks to halt the cross-border trade. ("Illinois to Buy Medications from Canada," Washington Post, Sept. 15, 2003)

DOWNLOAD this week's half-hour program of Between The Lines by clicking on one of the links below. Note: Make sure your browser is set for streaming or download depending on your connection speed. MP3 files available until Oct. 7, 2003

Note to our broadcast affiliates: We are now offering FTP access for faster, more reliable download of our broadcast quality files. Please call Anna Manzo at (203) 268-8446 ext. 2, to register for FTP logon access or send feedback to us at

Senior news editor: Bob Nixon
News writer: Brita Brundage
Program narration: Sasha Summer Cousineau
News reader: Denise Manzari
Distribution: Anna Manzo, Harry Minot, Jeff Yates and Bill Cosentino
Senior Web editor/producer: Anna Manzo
Web producer: Jeff Yates
Web editor: Bill Cosentino
Executive producer: Scott Harris
Theme music: Mikata

... MORE ...

Last Week's Program

Between The Lines Week Ending 9/26/03

Bush Re-Election Issues

"House Probers Conclude Iraq War Data was Weak," Washington Post, Sept. 28, 2003

"Bush Administration Is Focus of Inquiry: CIA Agent's Identity Was Leaked to Media," Washington Post, Sept. 28, 2003

"CIA Seeks Probe of White House,"By Alex Johnson with Andrea Mitchell, Exclusive | MSNBC and NBC News, Sept. 26, 2003

"The Bush Administration Adopts a Worse-than- Nixonian Tactic: The Deadly Serious Crime Of Naming CIA Operatives," by John W. Dean, Aug. 15, 2003

"New Voting Technology Questioned," Kansas City Star, Sept. 22, 2003

"Revenge of the ex-generals," MSNBC, Sept. 25, 2003

"Six Months After the Attack on Iraq, Was the Anti-war Movement Right?", Sept. 23, 2003

"The Big Lie," The London Daily Mirror, Sept. 22, 2003

"Mistakes of Vietnam Repeated With Iraq," Atlanta Journal- Constitution, Sept. 18, 2003

"Kennedy Says Iraq War Case a 'Fraud,'" Associated Press, Sept. 18, 2003

"U.S. Budget Deficit Mounts Toward All-Time High," Reuters, Sept. 17, 2003

"Bush: No Proof of Saddam Role in 9-11," Associated Press, Sept. 17, 2003

"Cheney in Wonderland," Los Angeles Times editorial, Sept. 16, 2003

"Cheney Link of Iraq, 9/11 Challenged," Boston Globe, Sept. 16, 2003

"Why Don't We Have Answers to these 9/11 Questions?" Philadelphia Daily News, Sept. 11, 2003

"Read Between The Lines of Those Missing 28 Pages," The Nation, July 29, 2003

"Impeaching Bush,"Counterpunch, July 25, 2003

American Empire/War Profiteering

"Cheney's Ties to Halliburton," The Washington Post, Sept. 26, 2003

"Houston Exec Gets Top Iraq Energy Post," Houston Chronicle, Sept. 23, 2003

"Oil Services Firm Paid Cheney as VP," Reuters, Sept. 17, 2003

"Immunity for Iraqi Oil Dealings Raises Alarm," Los Angeles Times, Aug. 7, 2003

"Rivals Say Halliburton Dominates Iraq Oil Work," New York Times, Aug. 8, 2003

"Pipeline Politics: Oil, The Taliban, and the Political Balance of Central Asia," World Press Review Special Report, Nov.-Dec. 2001

"War Profiteering," by The Nation editors, April 24, 2003

Postwar Occupation of Iraq

"U.N. Refuses to Help George Bush in Iraq," Le Figaro, Sept. 26, 2003

"Stretched Thin, Lied to & Mistreated: On the ground with US troops in Iraq," The Nation, Oct. 6, 2003

"Iraq: Civil War a Credible Hypothesis," La Liberation, Sept. 4 2003

Civil Liberties

"Concerns about citizen privacy grow as states create 'Matrix' database," The Associated Press, Sept. 23, 2003

"ACLU to Announce First Nationwide Lawsuit Over Restrictions Against Anti-Bush Protesters," American Civil Liberties Union, Sept. 22, 2003

"Fascism Anyone?" 14 Signs of Fascism, Free Inquiry Magazine, Volume 23, No. 2

"Germany In 1933: The Easy Slide Into Fascism," The Crisis Papers, June 9, 2003

Multi-Ethnic Issues Advocacy

Dr. Earl Ofari Hutchinson's Commentaries, The Hutchinson Report
and in Audio (needs RealPlayer)


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