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WPKN Radio mentioned in Danny Schechter's "The News Dissector" column on independent media values. Click here to view the column on Mediachannel.org.
New Haven Advocate's "Giving Voice to Dissent: Bridgeport's WPKN Radio Covers The News With Left-Of-Center Takes Not Found In The Mainstream Media" Hartford Courant, Feb. 26, 2003 "The Rest of the News," New Haven Advocate, July 3, 2003
War Profiteering
"Noam Chomsky on Middle East Conflict and U.S. War Plan Against Iraq," Between The Lines interview with Noam Chomsky, conducted by Scott Harris, for the Week Ending May 3, 2002
"The Iraq War & The Bush Administration's Pursuit of Global Domination," Counterpoint, Sept. 15, 2003
The Iraq Crisis, a Global Policy Forum, UN Security Council section on the 13 years of sanctions and other background of the war, the humanitarian situation, the importance of Iraq's huge oil resources, and disputes over a post-war government and reconstruction plan
"Occupation, Inc." Southern Exposure, Winter, 2003/2004
Politics: Oil, The Taliban, and the Political Balance of Central
Asia," World Press Review Special Report, Nov.-Dec. 2001
Profiteering," by The Nation editors, April 24, 2003
"An Annotated Saddam Chronology," ZNet, Dec. 15, 2003
Civil Liberties
"Keeping Secrets: The Bush administration is doing the public's business out of the public eye. Here's how--and why," by Christopher H. Schmitt and Edward T. Pound, U.S. News & World Report, Dec. 12, 2003
"FBI Memo: Tactics Used During Protests And Demonstrations" Federal Bureau of Investigation, Oct. 15, 2003
"F.B.I. Scrutinizes Antiwar Rallies" by Eric Lichtblau, New York Times, Nov. 23, 2003
"Fascism Anyone?" 14 Signs of Fascism, Free Inquiry Magazine, Volume 23, No. 2
"Germany In 1933:
The Easy Slide Into Fascism," The Crisis Papers, June 9, 2003
Multi-Ethnic Issues Advocacy
Dr. Earl Ofari Hutchinson's Commentaries, The Hutchinson
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Haitian President Charges U.S. Military
Interview with Michael Ratner,
After several weeks of attacks on Haiti's major cities, an armed rebellion led by death squad leaders and former soldiers succeeded in overthrowing the democratically-elected government of president Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Although the Bush administration and U.S media outlets initially reported that president Aristide had resigned his office to avoid more bloodshed, the former Catholic priest asserts he was kidnapped by the U.S. on the morning of Feb. 29 and flown to the Central African Republic. Aristide, in calls to U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters, Randall Robinson, former director of the group TransAfrica and news organizations, asserted that he had been the victim of a U.S. coup and forced to leave Haiti at gunpoint.
Secretary of State Colin Powell described the allegations as "absolutely baseless and absurd." In denying the charge, the Bush administration refers to a letter of resignation that they say was signed by Aristide. But while some of the facts surrounding the president's exit from Haiti are still unknown, it is clear that the White House withheld all support for Aristide's democratic government until the head of state departed.
Even as hundreds of U.S. troops entered Haiti's capital of Port-au-Prince, armed rebels and death squads have murdered Aristide supporters and rebel leader Guy Philippe declared himself the new head of a reconstituted Haitian army. From exile in France, former Haitian dictator Jean Claude Duvalier vowed to return to Haiti. Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Michael Ratner, president of the Center for Constitutional Rights, who examines U.S. policy toward Haiti during this latest crisis and the claim that the Bush administration was complicit in the coup which overthrew Aristide.
Contact the Center for Constitutional Rights by calling (212) 614-6464 or visit their website at www.ccr-ny.org
Related links
Background on Haiti
Worldwide Protests March 20 to Observe 1-Year Anniversary of Iraq War
Interview with Leslie Cagan,
Despite the violence and instability, the Bush administration says it will transfer authority over the nation from Washington's administrator Paul Bremer to the U.S. installed Iraqi Governing Council on June 30, but with the Pentagon maintaining large numbers of American soldiers in Iraq for years to come. Critics charge that the transfer date was dictated by Mr. Bush's re-election campaign rather than in the interest of the Iraqi people. After Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, the most powerful leader of Iraq's Shiite majority, rejected a U.S. plan for regional caucuses, the U.N. is now working to organize a process for elections that will select an interim government. It's been just over a year since 15 million people in hundreds of cities participated in the Feb. 15 international day of demonstrations organized to resist the Bush administration's plan to attack Iraq. Although those protests were unsuccessful in preventing war, the movement has remained active in opposing the U.S. occupation. On March 20, the one-year anniversary of the U.S.-British bombing and invasion of Iraq, protests will again be held in cities across the world. The Global Day of Action will call for an end to the occupation of Iraq and the Bush administration's militaristic foreign policies. Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Leslie Cagan, national coordinator of United for Peace and Justice, who describes plans for the March 20 actions and reflects on the peace movement since the Iraq invasion. To get more information on local and national March 20 protests, contact United for Peace and Justice at (212) 868-5545 or visit their website atwww.unitedforpeace.org Related links:
Propose Cuts to Public Transit and Other Transportation Alternatives
Interview with Hank Dittmar,
Many who consider themselves environmentalists, smart-growth advocates or public health promoters have weighed in to try to squeeze dollars out of the transportation bill to support other forms of transportation that take people into account, not just cars. Between The Lines' Melinda Tuhus spoke with Hank Dittmar, executive director of Reconnecting America, about the problems he sees with the transportation bill and his organization's efforts to have transportation serve human needs, like safe cycling, walking routes and supporting the development of transit-centered communities. Contact Reconnecting America at (505) 426-8055 or visit their website at www.reconnectingamerica.org
of under-reported news Compiled by Bob Nixon
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Last Week's Program Between The Lines Week Ending 3/5/04 Election 2004 "Kerry Condemns Bush For Failing To Back Aristide," The New York Times, Mar. 7, 2004 "White House Directed Effort To Discredit Wilson," Newsday, Mar. 6, 2004 "Kerry's Foreign Policy Record Suggests Few Differences From Bush," By Stephen Zunes, Common Dreams, Mar. 5, 2004 "Out Of Touch? Bush's Economic Indicator: Two New Jobs," Washington Post, Mar. 5, 2004 "Bush Exploiting 9/11," By Bill Berkowitz, Alternet, Mar. 4, 2004 "9/11 Panel Rejects White House Limits On Interviews," The New York Times, Mar. 3, 2004 "Democrat Not Spoken Here," Creative Loafing (Atlanta), Mar. 2, 2004 "Kerry Should Explain His War-Making Stand," By John Nichols, Madison Capital Times, Mar. 2, 2004 "Why They Had to Crush Aristide," the Guardian/UK, March 2, 2004 "How Bush Helped My Marriage," By David Corn, TomPaine.com, Mar. 1, 2004 "U.S.-Sponsored Regime Change in Haiti," Alternet.com, March 1, 2004 "Greenspan Testimony Highlights Bush Plan for Deliberate Federal Bankruptcy," truthout.org, March 2, 2004 American Empire/War Profiteering "The Coup In Haiti" By Amy Wilentz, The Nation, Mar. 22, 2004 "Human Rights Watch: U.S. Troops Killing And Abusing Afghans," The Guardian/UK, Mar. 8, 2004 "Growing Disquiet In Latin America Over Haiti Coup" The Observer/UK, Mar. 7, 2004 "The High Cost Of Privatized Warfare," By William Hartung, Counterpunch, Mar. 6, 2004 "From His First Day In Office, Bush Was Ousting Aristide," By Jeffrey Sachs, Los Angeles Times, Mar. 4, 2004 "Bush Fails Democracy In Haiti," Madison Capital Times, Mar. 3, 2004 "Postwar" Occupation of Iraq "An Empty Sort Of Freedom: Women In The New Iraq," The Guardian/UK, Mar. 8, 2004 "Hans Blix: Bush And Blair's 'Witch Hunt' Over WMDs," The Independent/UK, Mar. 8, 2004 "As U.S. Detains Iraqis, Families Plead For News," The New York Times, Mar. 7, 2004 "A Constitution Drenched In Blood," Asia Times, Mar. 4, 2004 "The Inspector's Final Report," The Guardian/UK, Mar. 3, 2004 "Doubts Cast on Saddam-Al Qaeda Link," Knight Ridder, Mar. 2, 2004 Civil Liberties "Waite Blasts U.S. For Guantanamo 'Terror' Methods," Agence France Presse, Mar. 5, 2004 "Criminalization Of Dissent Still A Problem Nationwide," StraightWords E-Zine, Mar. 3, 2004 "Writing And Reading As Terrorism," By Elaine Cassel, Counterpunch, Mar. 1, 2004 Media And Activism "The Endless Bummer: Bumiller Questions The Candidates" The Daily Howler, Mar. 2, 2004
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