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WPKN Radio mentioned in Danny Schechter's "The News Dissector" column on independent media values. Click here to view the column on

New Haven Advocate's
"Best of New Haven 2001"
-- Staff Picks --
Scott Harris, Best Radio News Reporter
WPKN Radio, 89.5 FM

"Giving Voice to Dissent: Bridgeport's WPKN Radio Covers The News With Left-Of-Center Takes Not Found In The Mainstream Media" Hartford Courant, Feb. 26, 2003

"The Rest of the News," New Haven Advocate, July 3, 2003


War And Profiteering

Those Who Dared to Come Forward
In-depth compilation on Washington insiders speaking out on Bush administration policies and actions

"Iraq On The Record," U.S. Rep. Henry Waxman report, March 16, 2004

"Greenspan Testimony Highlights Bush Plan for Deliberate Federal Bankruptcy," by Michael Meurer,, March 2, 2004

"Noam Chomsky on Middle East Conflict and U.S. War Plan Against Iraq," Between The Lines interview with Noam Chomsky, conducted by Scott Harris, for the Week Ending May 3, 2002

"The Iraq War & The Bush Administration's Pursuit of Global Domination," Counterpoint, Sept. 15, 2003

The Iraq Crisis, a Global Policy Forum, UN Security Council section on the 13 years of sanctions and other background of the war, the humanitarian situation, the importance of Iraq's huge oil resources, and disputes over a post-war government and reconstruction plan

"Occupation, Inc." Southern Exposure, Winter, 2003/2004

"Pipeline Politics: Oil, The Taliban, and the Political Balance of Central Asia," World Press Review Special Report, Nov.-Dec. 2001

"War Profiteering," by The Nation editors, April 24, 2003

"An Annotated Saddam Chronology," ZNet, Dec. 15, 2003

Civil Liberties

"The Global Gulag: Into The Shadows," by Tom Engelhardt,, April 5, 2004

"Keeping Secrets: The Bush administration is doing the public's business out of the public eye. Here's how--and why," by Christopher H. Schmitt and Edward T. Pound, U.S. News & World Report, Dec. 12, 2003

"FBI Memo: Tactics Used During Protests And Demonstrations" Federal Bureau of Investigation, Oct. 15, 2003

"F.B.I. Scrutinizes Antiwar Rallies" by Eric Lichtblau, New York Times, Nov. 23, 2003

"Fascism Anyone?" 14 Signs of Fascism, Free Inquiry Magazine, Volume 23, No. 2

"Germany In 1933: The Easy Slide Into Fascism," The Crisis Papers, June 9, 2003

Multi-Ethnic Issues Advocacy

Dr. Earl Ofari Hutchinson's Commentaries, The Hutchinson Report
and in Audio (needs RealPlayer)

The Lines

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Between The Lines
For The Week Ending Sept. 10, 2004


Bush Regime/Election 2004

"Three Mile Long 'Unemployment Line' Gives Bush The Pink Slip," Associated Press, Sept. 1, 2004

"Nausea In New York," by William Rivers Pitt, Truthout, Sept. 1, 2004

"The New Book Attacking Kerry's War Record: How It Defames The Candidate And Why He Should Sue," by John Dean, FindLaw, Aug. 31, 2004

"Bush Signaling Radical Economic Agenda," by John Cassidy, The New Yorker, Aug. 30, 2004

"This Year, The Political Smear Is Exposed Even As It's Happening," by Jim Boyd, Minneapolis Star Tribune, Aug. 29, 2004

"Former Texas Official Voices Guard Regret," Associated Press, Aug. 29, 2004


American Empire/War Profiteering

"Iran-Contra, Part Deux?," by Joshua Micah Marshall & Laura Rozen & Paul Glastris, Washington Monthly, Aug. 31, 2004


"Postwar" Occupation of Iraq

"Talks To Disarm Rebel Shiites Collapse In Iraq," The New York Times, Sept. 1, 2004

"American Lawyer Finds New Evidence Of Recent Torture In Iraq," The New Standard, Aug. 30, 2004

"Moqtada al-Sadr And The U.S. Assault On Najaf, Part 2," by Rahul Mahajan, Empire Notes, Aug. 30, 2004


Civil Liberties

"Protesters, Lawyers Criticize Convention Arrests," Associated Press, Aug. 31, 2004

"The FBI's Pre-Emptive Interrogation Of 'Possible' Demonstrators: Chilling Political Speech," by Bob Barr, FindLaw, Aug. 25, 2004


Media Issues

"Protesters Denounce Fox News For 'Twisted Views,'" Cybercast News, Sept. 1, 2004

"John McCain, Film Critic," by Michael Moore, USA Today, Sept. 1, 2004

"McCain Versus Moore," by John Nichols, The Nation, Aug. 31, 2004

"Protesters In New York Plan To Take On Media Giants," Baltimore Sun, Aug. 30, 2004



"The Man In Black Bloc," by John Nichols, The Nation, Sept. 1, 2004

"Protest? What Protest?," by Elizabeth Weill-Greenberg, In These Times, Sept. 1, 2004

"Police Stifle Protests Across New York," Washington Post, Sept. 1, 2004

"A31 Protesters Target Midtown," Los Angeles Times, Aug. 31, 2004

"Still We Rise: A Protest From The City," by Steve Wishnia, Alternet, Aug. 31, 2004

"Hundreds Are Arrested At Anti-Republican Demonstrations," The New York Times, Aug. 31, 2004

"Fighting A New War," by Dan Frosch, Alternet, Aug. 31, 2004

"Pig-Snouted Protesters Mock Cheney, Halliburton," Reuters, Aug. 31, 2004

"The Marine At The Youth March," Ali Tonak, WireTap, Aug. 31, 2004

"'We The People Say No To Bush,'" by Michelle Goldberg, Salon, Aug. 30, 2004

"To Protest Or Not To Protest: Gitlin & Klein Debate," Democracy Now, Aug. 27, 2004


Between The Lines
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Tuesdays, 5:30 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Wednesdays, 8 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.
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