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![]() WPKN Radio mentioned in Danny Schechter's "The News Dissector" column on independent media values. Click here to view the column on Mediachannel.org.
New Haven Advocate's "Giving Voice to Dissent: Bridgeport's WPKN Radio Covers The News With Left-Of-Center Takes Not Found In The Mainstream Media" Hartford Courant, Feb. 26, 2003 "The Rest of the News," New Haven Advocate, July 3, 2003
War And Profiteering
Those Who Dared to Come Forward
Project for the New American Century's Letter to President Clinton on Iraq, Jan. 26, 1998 Urges President Clinton to remove the threat that Iraq poses by stating a strategy to do so in his "upcoming State of the Union Address."
"Iraq On The Record," U.S. Rep. Henry Waxman report, March 16, 2004
"Greenspan Testimony Highlights Bush Plan for Deliberate Federal Bankruptcy," by Michael Meurer, truthout.org, March 2, 2004
"Noam Chomsky on Middle East Conflict and U.S. War Plan Against Iraq," Between The Lines interview with Noam Chomsky, conducted by Scott Harris, for the Week Ending May 3, 2002
"The Iraq War & The Bush Administration's Pursuit of Global Domination," Counterpoint, Sept. 15, 2003
The Iraq Crisis, a Global Policy Forum, U.N. Security Council section on the 13 years of sanctions and other background of the war, the humanitarian situation, the importance of Iraq's huge oil resources, and disputes over a post-war government and reconstruction plan
"Occupation, Inc." Southern Exposure, Winter, 2003/2004
Politics: Oil, The Taliban, and the Political Balance of Central
Asia," World Press Review Special Report, Nov.-Dec. 2001
Profiteering," by The Nation editors, April 24, 2003
"An Annotated Saddam Chronology," ZNet, Dec. 15, 2003
Civil Liberties
"The Global Gulag: Into The Shadows," by Tom Engelhardt, TomDispatch.com, April 5, 2004
"Keeping Secrets: The Bush administration is doing the public's business out of the public eye. Here's how--and why," by Christopher H. Schmitt and Edward T. Pound, U.S. News & World Report, Dec. 12, 2003
"FBI Memo: Tactics Used During Protests And Demonstrations" Federal Bureau of Investigation, Oct. 15, 2003
"F.B.I. Scrutinizes Antiwar Rallies" by Eric Lichtblau, New York Times, Nov. 23, 2003
"Fascism Anyone?" 21 Signs of Fascism, Free Inquiry Magazine, Volume 23, No. 2
"Germany In 1933:
The Easy Slide Into Fascism," The Crisis Papers, June 9, 2003
Multi-Ethnic Issues Advocacy
Dr. Earl Ofari Hutchinson's Commentaries, The Hutchinson
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ANNOUNCEMENTSSchool of the Americas Watch Activists Report to Federal Prison, April 11, 2006 ![]() In the photo above, defendants (from front row, left to right) Linda Mashburn, Robin Lloyd, Fr. Jerry Zawada, Donte Smith and Gail Phares address the press before entering the U.S. Courthouse before their trial, Jan. 30, 2006 Between The Lines' Scott Harris interviewed Robin Lloyd, one of the 29 activists convicted of nonviolent civil disobedience at the School of the Americas November 2005 protest. She is a long time peace activist, Toward Freedom board member and friend of this radio program. The interview was recorded March 16, before she reported to the Danbury, Conn. federal prison on April 11. Click here to hear the Robin Lloyd interview in MP3.
Interview with James Ingalls,
While much of the world focuses on the continuing bloodshed and chaos in Iraq, the ongoing conflict in Afghanistan receives comparatively little attention. However, a rocket attack targeting the U.S. Embassy in the Afghan capital of Kabul on April 19 is a reminder of the increasing number of recent attacks and suicide bombings by Taliban fighters across southern and eastern regions of Afghanistan. While the rocket attack missed the Embassy and no one was injured, some Afghan civilians were not so lucky in a series of incidents in mid-April. Seven civilians were killed and three were injured in a U.S. air strike in Kunar province on April 15. Four of the dead were children. In Khost, American soldiers shot and wounded three women and a newborn girl returning from a hospital on April 17. A man and a 7-year-old boy were also shot and injured April 18 on the outskirts of Khost by U.S. troops. According to U. S. military officials, both incidents occurred when vehicles failed to slowdown at check points. Human rights groups are also decrying a deteriorating situation for women inside Afghanistan. The United Nations reports that during 2005, 300 girls' schools were burned down, while women's literacy is half that of men. One year ago, the Bush administration succeeded in eliminating the post of the UN's top human rights monitor in Afghanistan after he had criticized the U.S. military for arbitrary arrests, illegal detentions and abuses committed by American-led forces. Between the Lines Scott Harris spoke with James Ingalls, co-director of the group Afghan Women's Mission, who assesses the growing violence and repression in Afghanistan. Contact the Afghan Women's Mission, by calling (626) 676-7884 or visit their website at www.afghanwomensmission.org Related links:
Interview with Tyson Slocum,
In mid-April, gas prices in the U.S. soared 25 cents in just two weeks, bringing the average national price for self-serve regular to $2.91 a gallon, although prices topping $3 a gallon were common. President Bush, already reeling from record low approval ratings, felt the sting of intensifying anger across the nation about rising energy prices, and announced his plan to rein in the cost of gas. The president said on April 25 that he'll ask the EPA to temporarily relax clean air regulations which oil companies claim have caused gas shortages in some Northeast states, delay deposits in the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve; ordered a federal investigation into possible price gouging and cut some oil company tax breaks. But consumers, well aware that energy companies like Exxon-Mobil reported the nation's highest-ever profit of $36.1 billion in 2005, are suspicious of the President's cozy relationship with big oil. Republicans who control Congress received 81 percent of the $54 million dollars in political campaign contributions made by big oil companies since 2001. But election year jitters are causing some GOP congressional legislators to join Democrats in calling for a probe of oil company profits and consideration of a windfall profits tax. Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Tyson Slocum, director of Public Citizen's Energy Program. He discusses some reasons behind the dramatic rise in gas prices and explains why he supports an oil company windfall profits tax. Contact Public Citizen at (202) 588-1000 or visit their website at www.citizen.org Related links:
Interview with John Kahionhes Fadden,
In late February, a group of native people from the Six Nations, or Iroquois Confederacy, began an occupation of land in Caledonia, Ontario, Canada, where a construction company had started building a residential development. The native people claim the land is theirs, while the company insists it has legal claim to the property. The occupation has attracted native and non-native supporters from other parts of Canada and become a focal point of the struggle for native sovereignty in Canada. In mid-April, police arrested 16 of the occupiers, who had blockaded some of Caledonia's streets. According to the local newspaper, up to 500 townspeople rallied on April 24 in opposition to the eight-week occupation. John Kahionhes Fadden, is a member of the Mohawk tribe, one of the Six Nations. He grew up on the Akwesasne Reservation, which straddles the US-Canadian border between upstate New York, Ontario and Quebec. Fadden is a historian and director of the Six Nations Indian Museum in northern New York. Between The Lines' Melinda Tuhus spoke with Fadden about the history of the land dispute which he says dates from policies enacted by the British in Canada after the U.S. Revolutionary War. He notes that the Canadian government has now called upon the traditional chiefs and clan mothers in an effort to negotiate a settlement. For more information, email John Kahionhes Fadden at redmaple@northnet.org. Compiled by Bob Nixon
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Last Week's Program Between The Lines Week Ending 4/28/06 Between The Lines Community Forum Share your thoughts with the Between The Lines crew and listeners' community! U.S. Politics "Watchdogs Say House Ethics Reform Is A 'Sham,'" Reuters, Apr. 26, 2006 "Grassroots Revolt: The Take-Down Lieberman Campaign," by Ruth Conniff, The Progressive, Apr. 26, 2006 "Mike McCurry And The Hostile Takeover Of the Democratic Party," by David Sirota, Common Dreams, Apr. 25, 2006 "Ohio Churches' Political Activities Challenged," Washington Post, Apr. 25, 2006 "Shooting An Elephant: Why Republicans Are Screwed," by John Dickerson, Slate, Apr. 25, 2006 Bush Regime "Is Our Democracy Sleepwalking Into A Nightmare?," by Gene Lyons, Arkansas Democrat Gazette, Apr. 26, 2006 "McCarthyism: Mary And Joe," by Ray McGovern, Truthout, Apr. 26, 2006 "Impeaching Bush, State By State," by Evan Derkasz, AlterNet, Apr. 26, 2006 "Oilman In Chief," by Frank O'Donnell, TomPaine.com, Apr. 26, 2006 "Bush's Imperial Presidency," by Jim Hightower, Hightower Lowdown, Apr. 26, 2006 "Is There A Double Standard On Leak Probes?," by Murray Waas, National Journal, Apr. 25, 2006 "Bush Suspends Environmental Rules On Gasoline," Associated Press, Apr. 25, 2006 "Top Spy's Story On Prewar Intel Is Finally Told," by Robert Scheer, TruthDig, Apr. 25, 2006 "More Top Brass Blast Rumsfeld," by Mark Follman, Salon.com, Apr. 25, 2006 "Defining Democracy Down," by James Bovard, The American Conservative, Apr. 24, 2006 "Bush Ignored Intel On Iraqi Weapons, Says Ex-CIA Officer," Guardian/UK, Apr. 24, 2006 "Is U.S. Being Transformed Into A Radical Republic?," by Lawrence Wilkerson, Baltimore Sun, Apr. 23, 2006 "Bush Impeachment: The Illinois State Legislature Is Preparing To Drop A Bombshell," by Steven Leser, OpEd News, Apr. 22, 2006 American Empire/War Profiteering "Wilkerson Fingers The Neocons On Iran," by Gary Leupp, Counterpunch, Apr. 26, 2006 "Tehran Insider Tells Of U.S. Black Ops In Iran," Asia Times, Apr. 25, 2006 "Domino Theory Revisited: Strike Iran, Watch Turkey & Pakistan Fall," by John Stanton, Counterpunch, Apr. 24, 2006 "Overthrow: A U.S. Tradition," by Russell Mokhiber & Robert Weissman, ZNet, Apr. 23, 2006 "New Plans Foresee Fighting Terrorism Beyond War Zones," Washington Post, Apr. 23, 2006 "Attack Iran, Ignore The Constitution," by Jeremy Brecher & Brendan L. Smith, The Nation, Apr. 21, 2006 "Postwar" Occupation of Iraq, Afghanistan "Who Gets The Blame For Dirty Tactics In Iraq?," by Nicholas von Hoffman, New York Observer, Apr. 26, 2006 "U.S. Military Files Still For Sale On Streets Of Bagram," Los Angeles Times, Apr. 25, 2006 "Rebuilding Of Iraqi Oil Pipeline A Disaster Waiting To Happen," The New York Times, Apr. 25, 2006 "Iraq: Beyond The Horizon, The Storm," by Tom Hayden, TruthDig, Apr. 25, 2006 "A Paper Lid On Iraq's Volcano," by Robert Dreyfuss, TomPaine.com, Apr. 24, 2006 "They're Staying In Iraq," by Kevin Zeese, Antiwar.com, Apr. 22, 2006 Civil Liberties/ Human Rights "Frank Church And The Abyss Of Warrantless Wiretapping," by John Nichols The Nation, Apr. 26, 2006 "Interrogation Chief At Abu Ghraib To Face Charges," The New York Times, Apr. 25, 2006 "U.S. To Free 141 Terror Suspects," Los Angeles Times, Apr. 25, 2006 "Inspectors Find More Torture At Iraqi Jails," Washington Post, Apr. 24, 2006 "Purge At The CIA: America's Gulag," by John Chuckman, Counterpunch, Apr. 22/23, 2006 Media Issues "Big Telecom Versus A Democratic Internet," by Art Brodsky, TomPaine.com, Apr. 25, 2006 "Lack Of Applause For Falling Wages Is Media Mystery," by Janine Jackson, FAIR, Mar./Apr., 2006 Activism "Putting The IRS To Political Use?," by Emily Udel, In These Times, Apr. 26, 2006 "When G.I. Joe Says No," by Christian Parenti, The Nation, Apr. 23, 2006 "The Struggle For Immigrant Rights In The U.S.," by William Robinson, ZNet, Apr. 23, 2006 "'We Are Going To Keep Marching": Interview With Immigrant Rights OrganizerMartin Unzueta," by Lee Sustar, Counterpunch, Apr. 22/23, 2006 "This Is What A Movement Looks Like," by Michael George Smith, Counterpunch, Apr. 21, 2006 |