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WPKN Radio mentioned in Danny Schechter's "The News Dissector" column on independent media values. Click here to view the column on

New Haven Advocate's
"Best of New Haven 2001"
-- Staff Picks --
Scott Harris, Best Radio News Reporter
WPKN Radio, 89.5 FM

"Giving Voice to Dissent: Bridgeport's WPKN Radio Covers The News With Left-Of-Center Takes Not Found In The Mainstream Media" Hartford Courant, Feb. 26, 2003

"The Rest of the News," New Haven Advocate, July 3, 2003


War And Profiteering

Those Who Dared to Come Forward
In-depth compilation on Washington insiders speaking out on Bush administration policies and actions

"Iraq On The Record," U.S. Rep. Henry Waxman report, March 16, 2004

"Greenspan Testimony Highlights Bush Plan for Deliberate Federal Bankruptcy," by Michael Meurer,, March 2, 2004

"Noam Chomsky on Middle East Conflict and U.S. War Plan Against Iraq," Between The Lines interview with Noam Chomsky, conducted by Scott Harris, for the Week Ending May 3, 2002

"The Iraq War & The Bush Administration's Pursuit of Global Domination," Counterpoint, Sept. 15, 2003

The Iraq Crisis, a Global Policy Forum, UN Security Council section on the 13 years of sanctions and other background of the war, the humanitarian situation, the importance of Iraq's huge oil resources, and disputes over a post-war government and reconstruction plan

"Occupation, Inc." Southern Exposure, Winter, 2003/2004

"Pipeline Politics: Oil, The Taliban, and the Political Balance of Central Asia," World Press Review Special Report, Nov.-Dec. 2001

"War Profiteering," by The Nation editors, April 24, 2003

"An Annotated Saddam Chronology," ZNet, Dec. 15, 2003

Civil Liberties

"The Global Gulag: Into The Shadows," by Tom Engelhardt,, April 5, 2004

"Keeping Secrets: The Bush administration is doing the public's business out of the public eye. Here's how--and why," by Christopher H. Schmitt and Edward T. Pound, U.S. News & World Report, Dec. 12, 2003

"FBI Memo: Tactics Used During Protests And Demonstrations" Federal Bureau of Investigation, Oct. 15, 2003

"F.B.I. Scrutinizes Antiwar Rallies" by Eric Lichtblau, New York Times, Nov. 23, 2003

"Fascism Anyone?" 14 Signs of Fascism, Free Inquiry Magazine, Volume 23, No. 2

"Germany In 1933: The Easy Slide Into Fascism," The Crisis Papers, June 9, 2003

Multi-Ethnic Issues Advocacy

Dr. Earl Ofari Hutchinson's Commentaries, The Hutchinson Report
and in Audio (needs RealPlayer)

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Between The Lines
For The Week Ending June 30, 2006


U.S. Politics

"Hillary Clinton's Big Problem: Premature Triangulation," by Norman Solomon, Counterpunch, June 15, 2006

"Feingold Is Gold," by Isaiah J. Poole,, June 14, 2006

by Robert Scheer, The Nation, June 14, 2006

"The Bigots' Last Gasp," by Paul Waldman,, June 14, 2006

"Recipe For A Fair Election," by Steven Hill,, June 12, 2006


Bush Regime

"Baghdad Visit: 'Mission Accomplished' In A Business Suit," by Sidney Blumenthal, Guardian/UK, June 15, 2006

"The Moon-Bush Cash Conduit," by Robert Parry, Consortium News, June 14, 2006

"Bush's Iraq Offensive," by Robert Dreyfuss,, June 14, 2006

"Now, What About Cheney?," by John Nichols, The Nation, June 14, 2006

"Analysis: Telling The FBI The Truth Saved Rove," by Pete Yost, Associated Press, June 13, 2006


American Empire/War Profiteering

"'New American Century' Project Ends With A Whimper," by Jim Lobe, Inter Press Service, June 13, 2006

"The Rebel And Mr. Danger: Is Bush's Nightmare Venezuela's Salvation?," by Greg Grandin, ZNet, June 12, 2006

"U.S. Image Plummets In Latin America," South Florida Sun-Sentinel, June 11, 2006


"Postwar" Occupation of Iraq & Afghanistan

"Pentagon Says Military Deaths In Iraq Hit 2,500," Boston Globe, June 15, 2006

"Ramadi: Fallujah Redux," by Dahr Jamail, Inter Press Service, June 14, 2006

"At Least 36 Killed As Bush Makes Surprise Photo Op Visit To Baghdad," Agence France Presse, June 13, 2006

"Music Video About Marine Sparks Anger," Associated Press, June 13, 2006

"Another U.S. Coverup Surfaces In Iraq," by Dahr Jamail & Arkan Hamed, Inter Press Service, June 13, 2006

"The Iraq War As A Trophy Photo," by Tom Engelhardt & David Swanson,, June 13, 2006

"Reporter On 'Suicide Watch' At Gitmo," by Greg Mitchell, Editor & Publisher, June 13, 2006

"Fear Of Big Battle Panics Ramadi," Los Angeles Times, June, 11, 2006

"Zarqawi's End Is Not A Famous Victory," by Robert Fisk, Counterpunch, June 10/11, 2006

"The Cost Of Killing Civilians In Iraq," by Greg Mitchell, Editor & Publisher, June 10, 2006


Civil Liberties

"High Court Backs Police No-Knock Searches," Associated Press, June 15, 2006

"Military Officials Cancel Guantanamo Visits By Lawyers And Journalists," Washington Post, June 15, 2006

"Judge Rules U.S. Has Broad Powers To Detain Non-Citizens Indefinitely," The New York Times, June 15, 2006

"ACLU Sues Pentagon Over Antiwar Group Monitoring," Reuters, June 14, 2006

"Rights Groups Urge Independent Probe Of Suicides," Washington Post, June 13, 2006

"The General, The New York Times And The Gitmo Suicides," by Anthony Alessandrini, Counterpunch, June 13, 2006

"AMA Bans Doctor Participation In Torture," Reuters, June 12, 2006

"Cause Of Gitmo Deaths: Gross Injustice," by Zachary Katznelson, Guardian/UK, June 12, 2006

"U.S. Steps Back From Gitmo Suicide Comments," Associated Press, June 12, 2006

"ACLU Tries To Stop Warrantless Wiretapping," Associated Press, June 12, 2006

"Former Guantanamo Detainees Recall Despair" Associated Press, June 11, 2006

"Herr Gitmo Kommandant: Suicides Were 'Act Of War,'" BBC News/UK, June 11, 2006


Media Issues

"Newsweek's Apology Too Little, 20 Years Too Late," by Caryl Rivers, Women's eNews, June 15, 2006

"YearlyKos Convention: Progressive Nation 1.0," by Jeffrey Feldman, Frameshop, June 13, 2006

"When Will Mainstream Media Question The 2004 Election?," by Kenneth F. Bunting, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, June 9, 2006



"Double-Crossing CODEPINK: Progressive Dems Suppress Antiwar Dissent At Conference," by Medea Benjamin, Counterpunch, June 13, 2006

"Lieutenant Watada's War Against The War," by Jeremy Brecher & Brendan Smith, The Nation, June 12, 2006

"Young People's Protests Are Easy To Mock, But Ignore Them At Your Peril," by Gary Younge, Guardian/UK, June 12, 2006


Between The Lines
Airs on WPKN 89.5 FM ET
Tuesdays, 5:30 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Wednesdays, 8 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.
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Saturdays, 2 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

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