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Scott Harris' "Counterpoint" talk show
Between The Lines Executive Producer Scott Harris' live, 2-hour "Counterpoint" program is now archived in its entirety on The White Rose Society website at www.whiterosesociety.org
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WPKN Radio mentioned in Danny Schechter's "The News Dissector" column on independent media values. Click here to view the column on Mediachannel.org.
New Haven Advocate's "Giving Voice to Dissent: Bridgeport's WPKN Radio Covers The News With Left-Of-Center Takes Not Found In The Mainstream Media" Hartford Courant, Feb. 26, 2003 "The Rest of the News," New Haven Advocate, July 3, 2003
War And Profiteering
"Iran: The Next War," by James Bamford, Rolling Stone, July 24, 2006
Those Who Dared to Come Forward
Project for the New American Century's Letter to President Clinton on Iraq, Jan. 26, 1998 Urges President Clinton to remove the threat that Iraq poses by stating a strategy to do so in his "upcoming State of the Union Address."
"Iraq On The Record," U.S. Rep. Henry Waxman report, March 16, 2004
"Greenspan Testimony Highlights Bush Plan for Deliberate Federal Bankruptcy," by Michael Meurer, truthout.org, March 2, 2004
"Noam Chomsky on Middle East Conflict and U.S. War Plan Against Iraq," Between The Lines interview with Noam Chomsky, conducted by Scott Harris, for the Week Ending May 3, 2002
"The Iraq War & The Bush Administration's Pursuit of Global Domination," Counterpoint, Sept. 15, 2003
The Iraq Crisis, a Global Policy Forum, U.N. Security Council section on the 13 years of sanctions and other background of the war, the humanitarian situation, the importance of Iraq's huge oil resources, and disputes over a post-war government and reconstruction plan
"Occupation, Inc." Southern Exposure, Winter, 2003/2004
Politics: Oil, The Taliban, and the Political Balance of Central
Asia," World Press Review Special Report, Nov.-Dec. 2001
Profiteering," by The Nation editors, April 24, 2003
"An Annotated Saddam Chronology," ZNet, Dec. 15, 2003
Civil Liberties
"The Global Gulag: Into The Shadows," by Tom Engelhardt, TomDispatch.com, April 5, 2004
"Keeping Secrets: The Bush administration is doing the public's business out of the public eye. Here's how--and why," by Christopher H. Schmitt and Edward T. Pound, U.S. News & World Report, Dec. 12, 2003
"FBI Memo: Tactics Used During Protests And Demonstrations" Federal Bureau of Investigation, Oct. 15, 2003
"F.B.I. Scrutinizes Antiwar Rallies" by Eric Lichtblau, New York Times, Nov. 23, 2003
"Fascism Anyone?" 14 Signs of Fascism, Free Inquiry Magazine, Volume 23, No. 2
"Germany In 1933:
The Easy Slide Into Fascism," The Crisis Papers, June 9, 2003
Multi-Ethnic Issues Advocacy
Dr. Earl Ofari Hutchinson's Commentaries, The Hutchinson
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ANNOUNCEMENTS"The Case for Impeachment" Co-authors journalist David Lindorff and Center for Constitutional Rights attorney Barbara Olshansky speak about their book, "The Case for Impeachment: The Legal Argument for Removing President George W. Bush from Office," at the United Church on the Green, in New Haven, June 24. A video DVD and audio CD is now available of this event, "The Case for Impeachment," with journalist David Lindorff and Center for Constitutional Rights attorney, Barbara Olshansky
Click here for information about ordering an audio CD or video DVD of this event for purchase or broadcast! Or e-mail us at betweenthelines@snet.net if you would like more information. THIS WEEK'S PROGRAM
Election Ends One-Party State:
Interview with
Since George W. Bush was appointed president by the U.S. Supreme Court after the tumultuous 2000 presidential election, America has been a virtual one-party state with the Republican Party in control of the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government. But even after grave questions have emerged about the administration's conduct surrounding the 9/11 terrorist attack, the war in Iraq and the dismal federal response to Hurricane Katrina, Congress has held few hearings and exercised little or no oversight. Branding the GOP-House and Senate a "rubber stamp" Congress, Democrats running to win back control of the legislature promised to bring back accountability and checks and balances that are an essential part of the U.S. constitution and American democracy. With Democrats in the driver's seat, many observers are asking what the party will do with their newfound power. In an article titled, "Sweet Subpoena: Nine Tough Questions for Congress" published in the September - October issue of Mother Jones' magazine, investigative journalist James Ridgeway examines what he believes to be the top issues Democrats should investigate. These issues include looking into the causes, conduct, and effects of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars; White House authorization of torture, secret prisons and warrantless surveillance; and U.S. energy policy and oil company profits Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Ridgeway about what we can hope for and what we can expect from the new Congress. Read Ridgeway's article titled, "Sweet Subpoena: Nine Tough Questions for Congress" in the pages of the September-October issue of Mother Jones' magazine, or online at www.motherjones.org Related links:
Electronic Voting Fatally Flawed
Interview with Pokey Anderson,
This election season marks the first time many states have used electronic voting machines. Their use was encouraged by the 2002 Help America Vote Act, or HAVA, and was intended to reduce the problems caused by hanging chads and other flaws in older voting systems. But many individuals and organizations who have investigated how the various new machines work -- using a variety of electronic technologies -- have criticized them as vulnerable to malfunction and intentional hacking. In the last several elections some major flaws have been uncovered, such as thousands of ballots going to the wrong candidates, counting phantom votes or the loss of large numbers of ballots. But while the big errors are easier to uncover and correct, it's the smaller shifts in vote counts that may never be detected. The New York Times reports that in the 2006 congressional election, half of the 45 most competitive races were conducted on electronic machines with no independent verification, such as a paper printout. Between The Lines' Melinda Tuhus spoke with Pokey Anderson, a Houston-based independent journalist who has spent the past 3-1/2 years researching the promises and pitfalls of electronic voting. She describes the changes wrought since the Help America Vote Act, and proposes a method to protect the integrity of America's elections. For more information on the issues surrounding electronic voting visit the website of Black Box Voting at www.blackboxvoting.org To report election irregularities contact the Election Protection Coalition, by calling 1-866-OUR-VOTE toll free, or visit their website at www.866ourvote.org
Conservative Churches Scrutinized
Interview with Tim Mooney,
The role of religion in American politics has been on the rise as the Republican party has become increasingly identified with, and beholden to, Christian fundamentalist groups. The political agenda of conservative religious organizations that oppose abortion, gay marriage and stem cell research has been fully adopted by the GOP. In turn, religious activists have been extremely successful at turning out their conservative base at election time to back Republican candidates. Almost a quarter of U.S. voters who cast ballots in the 2004 Presidential election identified themselves as born-again or evangelical Christians - with a vast majority of them supporting President Bush. During the 2004 campaign documents surfaced, which indicated that the Bush-Cheney re-election operation had urged Christian supporters to turn over church directories, seeking to identify friendly congregations. This activity fueled accusations that the Bush campaign supported churches that violated laws barring tax exempt charities from engaging in any type of partisan political campaigning. In the midst of the hotly contested 2006 Congressional campaign, the nonpartisan group, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington filed a complaint asking the Internal Revenue Service to investigate the role that two churches may have played in the re-election campaign of the Kansas' attorney general, a Republican. Other allegations of IRS rules violations have been leveled at religious groups in California, Minnesota, Missouri, and Ohio. Spokespersons for CREW have asked why the IRS has confined their investigations to liberal organizations such as the NAACP and a liberal church in California. Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Tim Mooney, senior counsel for Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. He discusses his group's concern that the IRS is unfairly targeting progressive groups while ignoring politically conservative church violators. Contact Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, CREW by calling (202) 408-5565 or visit their website at www.citizensforethics.org
of under-reported news Compiled by Bob Nixon
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(c)2006 Squeaky Wheel Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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Last Week's Program Between The Lines Week Ending 11/10/06 U.S. Politics "Fixing The 2008 Election," by Jonah Goldman & Tova wang, TomPaine.com, Nov. 14, 2006 "Not The Revolution, But An Opening," by Ted Glick, Znet, Nov. 13, 2006 "What Vote-Theft Conspiracy? So Much For Karl Rove, Hacker," by David Lindorff, Counterpunch, Nov. 13, 2006 "GOP Campaign Tactics Reveal True Character," by Joe Conason, New York Observer, Nov. 13, 2006 "The 'I Am Fed Up' Vote," by Bill Fletcher, Black Commentator, Nov. 13, 2006 "Electronic Voting Was Rife With Errors," by Brad Friedman, Computerworld, Nov. 13, 2006 "The Unfinished Story Of Election 2006," by Tom Engelhardt & Ira Chernus, TomDispatch.com, Nov. 12, 2006 "Pelosi Puts Weight Behind Murtha In Leader Bid," Roll Call, Nov. 12, 2006 "Election '06: A Huge Victory For Green Causes," by Amanda Griscom Little, Grist Magazine, Nov. 11, 2006 "Learning From Lamont," by David Sirota, In These Times, Nov. 10, 2006 "Murtha Can Lead An Iraq Withdrawl," by Arianna Huffington, HuffingtonPost.com, Nov. 10, 2006 Bush Regime "Bush's Power To Shape Judiciary 'Over' Because Of Election Loss," Bloomberg News, Nov. 14, 2006 "The Carlyle White House," by William Rivers Pitt, Truthout, Nov. 14, 2006 "Bush Admin Gives Veterans The Shaft," by Conn Hallinan, Foreign Policy in Focus, Nov. 14, 2006 "Ten Reasons Congress Must Investigate Bush Administration Crimes," by Jeremy Brecher & Brendan Smith, Truthout, Nov. 14, 2006 "The War Crimes Case Against Donald Rumsfeld," by Marjorie Cohn, AlterNet, Nov. 13, 2006 "Impeaching Bush To Preserve The Constitution," by Elizabeth Holtzman, OpEd News, Nov. 12, 2006 "A Time For Accounting: The End Of Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld's Free Ride," by Joseph L. Galloway, TomPaine.com, Nov. 10, 2006 "The Cheney-Gates Cabal," by Ray McGovern, Antiwar.com, Nov. 10, 2006 "Gates' Views Have Differed From Bush," Associated Press, Nov. 10, 2006 American Empire/War Profiteering "Bechtel Bails On Iraq," by Antonia Juhasz, AlterNet, Nov. 14, 2006 "Bush's Failed Liberation Theology," by Parastou Hassouri, TomPaine.com, Nov. 14, 2006 "Conciliation Toward Iran And Syria?," by Patrick Cockburn, ZNet, Nov. 12, 2006 "Postwar" Occupation of Iraq, Afghanistan "Insurgent Activity Soaring In 'Forgotten War' In Afghanistan," Associated Press, Nov. 12, 2006 "Baghdad's Morgues So Full Bodies Are Being Turned Away," Associated Press, Nov. 12, 2006 "Afghan Rights Deteriorating, Watchdog Tells Security Council," Agence France Presse, Nov. 10, 2006 "A Staggering New Bill For Iraq?," Forbes, Nov. 9, 2006 Civil Liberties/ Human Rights "Bush: Guantanamo Detainees Have No Rights In Court," Reuters, Nov. 13, 2006 "The Democrats And Civil Liberties: Will They Turn A Blind Eye To The Destruction Of The Bill Of Rights?," by Paul Craig Roberts, Counterpunch, Nov. 13, 2006 "Bush: Immigrants May Be Held Indefinitely," Associated Press, Nov. 13, 2006 "Warrantless Wiretaps Unlikely To Be OK'd," Associated Press, Nov. 11, 2006 "Democrats Will Revisit Military Habeas Debate," Daily Journal, Nov. 10, 2006 "In Letter, Radical Cleric Details CIA Abduction, Egyptian Torture," Washington Post, Nov. 10, 2006 "The Bush Administration's Torture Of U.S. Citizen Jose Padilla," by Glenn Greenwald, LewRockwell.com, Nov. 10, 2006 Media Issues "Fox News Internal Memo: 'Be On The Lookout For Any Statements From The Iraqi Insurgents...Thrilled At The Prospect Of A Dem Controlled Congress,'" Huffington Post, Nov. 14, 2006 "A Vote For A Fair Internet," by Timothy Karr, TomPaine.com, Nov. 14, 2006 "Media On The Feminist Agenda," by Jennifer Pozner, TomPaine.com, Nov. 13, 2006 Activism "Cities For Peace," by Karen Dolan, TomPaine.com, Nov. 10, 2006 "Activists Urge Pelosi To Halt War In Iraq," San Jose Mercury News (California), Nov. 10, 2006 |