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War And Profiteering
"The Future of Iraq: The Spoils of War," Blood and oil: How the West will profit from Iraq's most precious commodity, by Danny Fortson, Andrew Murray-Watson and Tim Webb, The Independent/UK, Jan. 7, 2007 "Cheney is Longtime Bad News for U.S.," by John Nichols, by the Madison Capital Times (Wisconsin), Jan. 16, 2007 "Bush administration provokes open war on Iran: Irbil raid, and other operations, authorized "several months ago," by Larry Chin, Global Research, Jan. 15, 2007 "Iran: The Next War," by James Bamford, Rolling Stone, July 24, 2006 "Noam Chomsky on Middle East Conflict and U.S. War Plan Against Iraq," Between The Lines interview with Noam Chomsky, conducted by Scott Harris, for the Week Ending May 3, 2002 "The Iraq War & The Bush Administration's Pursuit of Global Domination," Counterpoint, Sept. 15, 2003 The Iraq Crisis, a Global Policy Forum, U.N. Security Council section on the 13 years of sanctions and other background of the war, the humanitarian situation, the importance of Iraq's huge oil resources, and disputes over a post-war government and reconstruction plan "Pipeline Politics: Oil, The Taliban, and the Political Balance of Central Asia," World Press Review Special Report, Nov.-Dec. 2001
Civil Liberties
"Martial Law Threat is Real," by Dave Lindorff,, July 27, 2007 "ACLU: US Constitution in Grave Danger,"United Press International, July 25, 2007 "Old-line Republican warns 'something's in the works' to trigger a police state," by Muriel Kane, July 19, 2007 "Fascist America, in 10 easy steps," by Naomi Wolf, The Guardian, April 24, 2007 "Fascism Anyone?" 14 Signs of Fascism, Free Inquiry Magazine, Volume 23, No. 2 "Germany In 1933: The Easy Slide Into Fascism," The Crisis Papers, June 9, 2003 |
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Between The Lines
A participatory democracy functions best with well-informed citizens. Listen to Between The Lines and arm yourself with information and analysis that those in power would prefer you don't have. This year's presidential election could very well determine the course of the United States for the next decade and beyond. Each week, Between The Lines provides dissenting views on the status quo, reporting on issues that matter including: skyrocketing energy prices and oil company profiteering; the growing debt crisis; the Republican party and religious extremism; the neoconservative drive for American empire; and the failing U.S. healthcare system. Here's how you can support our efforts to get the word out to more people during this critical juncture in history:
This week we present Between The Lines' summary of
under-reported news stories and:
Colombia Hostage Rescue
A group of 15 hostages held by the leftist guerilla group, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia or FARC, were rescued by the Colombian military on July 2nd in what they described as an elaborate hoax on the rebels. Among the hostages freed were three U.S. Pentagon contractors captured in 2003, Ingrid Betancourt, a French-Colombian politician and one-time presidential candidate held for six years, and 11 Colombian soldiers and police. The military, with assistance from the U.S., says it succeeded in the rescue operation by infiltrating the highest ranks of the FARC command and tricking rebels holding the hostages into believing that the group's leadership had arranged for the relocation of the captives. A Swiss news report maintained that the guerillas had been paid $20 million in ransom money, a claim denied by the Colombian government.
Weakens Rebel Group, Could Initiate Peace Talks Interview with Larry Birns, director of the Council on Hemispheric Affairs, conducted by Scott Harris The FARC, founded in 1964 and estimated to have 10,000 fighters, has funded its operations in part by capturing soldiers, politicians and civilians and later releasing them for ransom or in exchange for the freeing of FARC prisoners. They group continues to hold hundreds of captives. The guerilla group has suffered major setbacks in recent months with two of its top commanders killed and FARC founder Manuel Marulanda dying of a heart attack in March. Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Larry Birns, director of the Council on Hemispheric Affairs, who examines the possible repercussions of the hostage rescue and the prospects for future peace talks between FARC and the government of Colombian President Alvaro Uribe. Contact the Council on Hemispheric Affairs at (202) 223-4975 or visit their website at
G-8 Summit Climate Change,
As the leaders of the world's wealthiest nations meet in Hokkaido, Japan for the Group of 8, or G-8 summit, thousands of protesters were in the streets to voice their opposition to the powerful nation's policies on skyrocketing food prices, poverty reduction and global warming. The farmers, trade unionists and students who gathered in Hokkaido to demonstrate, were confronted by massive security and more than 20,000 police.
Poverty Reduction Goals Criticized as Inadequate Interview with Neil Watkins, national coordinator with the Jubilee USA Network, conducted by Scott Harris In recent years, opponents of corporate-led globalization and free trade policies have staged large and sometimes militant protests to call attention to the links they see between G-8 polices favoring the rich and rising global inequality as well as damage to the environment. Addressing some of these concerns, G-8 leaders from Britain, France, Russia, Japan, Italy, Canada and the U.S. have in the past pledged to increase their aid to the impoverished majority in Africa, but have yet to fulfill that promise. This year, the G-8 endorsed the idea of cutting greenhouse gas emissions 50 percent by the year 2050. But some environmentalists criticized the announcement saying that goals were weak and avoided specific emission reduction targets. Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Neil Watkins, national coordinator with the Jubilee USA Network, which advocates debt forgiveness for the world's poorest nations. He critiques some International Monetary Fund and World Bank policies supported by the G-8 that he believes have exacerbated the rise in food prices, poverty and global warming. Contact the Jubilee USA Network by calling (202) 783-3566 or visit their website at
Campaign Launched to Restore
On the day before the Independence Day holiday, Sen. John Warner, R-Va., floated the idea of returning to a 55 miles per hour speed limit on American highways. Warner wanted to know if the Bush administration might support efforts in Congress to mandate a lower speed limit. In 1974, Congress set the national speed limit at 55 mph in reaction to energy shortages triggered by an Arab oil embargo. The 55 mph speed limit was repealed in 1995 when crude oil prices dropped to $17 a barrel and a gallon of gasoline cost $1.10.
55 mph National Speed Limit Interview with Tim Castleman, founder of, conducted by Melinda Tuhus Warner cited government studies in 1975, which concluded that the 55 mile per hour speed limit saved 167,000 barrels of oil a day, or 2 percent of the country's highway fuel consumption, while preventing up to 4,000 traffic deaths a year. Sen. Warner speculated that given the much greater number of vehicles on the road today -- and the large increase in vehicle miles driven, the fuel savings would be much higher in 2008. Between The Lines' Melinda Tuhus spoke with Tim Castleman, a retired heating and air conditioning contractor and current part-time web designer, who founded a website called Drive to promote the benefits of lowering the speed limit in economic savings, geo-political stability and lowering the output of greenhouse gases that cause global warming. He's posted comments of several state-level politicians on his website who endorse the call to drive slower to save money, reduce dependency on foreign oil and improve traffic safety. But he says, so far, they're the exception. Contact Tim Castleman at (916) 489-8601 or visit his site for additional information and to read the daily posting of the average cost of gasoline in all 50 states.
Credits: Executive producer: Scott Harris Segment producers: Scott Harris, Melinda Tuhus Senior news editor: Bob Nixon Program narration: Denise Manzari News reader: Elaine Osowski Senior web editor/producer: Anna Manzo Web producer: Jeffrey P. Yates Web consultant: Gary Trujillo Newswire editor: Hank Hoffman Photo editor: Scott Harris Outreach coordinator: Anna Manzo Distribution: Anna Manzo and Jeffrey P. Yates Theme music: Written by Richard Hill and Jody Gray, and performed by Mikata
BETWEEN THE LINES c/o WPKN Radio 89.5 FM 244 University Avenue Bridgeport, CT 06604 Telephone: (203) 268-8446 or (203) 331-9756 E-Mail: Distributed by Squeaky Wheel Productions, Inc. (c)2008 Squeaky Wheel Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
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Last Week's Program Between The Lines Week Ending 7/11/08 Between The Lines' Blog "Reading Between The Lines" U.S. Politics "Obama Botches The Abortion Conversation," by Marie Cocco, Washington Post Writers Group, July 8, 2008 "Supreme Court Inc.: Supremely Pro-Business," by Stephen Lendman, ZNet, July 8, 2008 "The Dems And Truthiness In The FISA Debate," by mcjoan, Daily Kos, July 5, 2008 "Betting It All On Criminal Wiretapping Prosecutions," by Kagro X, Daily Kos, July 5, 2008 "The Political Establishment And Telecom Immunity: Why it Matters," by Glenn Greenwald, Salon, July 5, 2008 "Obama Tries And Fails To Put out The FISA Fire In His Own House," by Bob Ostertag, Huffington Post, July 5, 2008 "GOP Just Can't Give Enough To Big Oil," by Joel McNally, Capital Times (Madison, Wisconsin), July 5, 2008 "Barack At Risk: No Retreat-If You Want To Win, Stop The War!," by Tom Hayden, Huffington Post, July 5, 2008 "What John McCain Didn't Learn In Vietnam," by Joe Consaon, Salon, July 4, 2008 "Fixing The System Obama Broke," by Bruce Ackerman & Ian Ayres, The American Prospect, July 3, 2008 "Vendor Misinformation In The E-Voting World," by Dan Wallach, Freedom to Tinker, July 2, 2008 "It's Not the Man, It's The Movement," by Amy Goodman, TruthDig, July 2, 2008 Bush Regime "White House Cut Testimony On Warming," Washington Post, July 8, 2008 "Echoes Of Vietnam: VA Stalls, Dissembles While Vets Suffer And Die," by Penny Coleman, AlterNet, July 4, 2008 "Christian Nation: Bush Moves Big Bucks To Religious Organizations," by Frederick Lane, Beacon Press, 2008 "White House Says Rulings Could Free Detainees In U.S.," Associated Press, July 3, 2008 "Administration's Cynicism On Torture Breathtaking," by Jay Bookman, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, July 3, 2008 American Empire/War Profiteering "Will The U.S. Support Terrorists To Destabilize Iran?," by William Beeman, New America Media, July 7, 2008 "Bush-Led 'Disaster Capitalism' Exploits Worldwide Misery To Make A Buck," by Naomi Klein, The Nation, July 4, 2008 "U.S. Military Looks To Colombia To Replace Base In Ecuador," by Teo Ballve,, July 4, 2008 "Military-Industrial Convergence: Raytheon, Boeing And Rice In Prague," by Laray Polk, Counterpunch, July 3, 2008 "Postwar" Occupation of Iraq, Afghanistan "Iraq Insists On Withdrawl Timetable For U.S. Troops," Associated Press, July 8, 2008 "Maliki Wants U.S. Pullout Timetable," by Robert Dreyfuss, The Nation, July 7, 2008 "The Bush Administration Strikes Oil In Iraq," by Tom Engelhardt & Nick Turse,, July 7, 2008 "Bomb At Indian Embassy Kills 41 In Afghanistan," Associated Press, July 7, 2008 "Military Action In Iran 'Would Destabilize Iraq,'" by Patrick Cockburn, Independent/UK, July 5, 2008 "Journalist Charges Censorship By U.S. Military In Fallujah," by Dahr Jamail, Inter press Service, July 4, 2008 "Rise Of Awakening Groups Sets Off Sunni Power Struggle," Washington Post, July 4, 2008 "Snapshots Of Life And Death In Baghdad," by Robert Fisk, Independent/UK, July 3, 2008 "Marines Extended In Afghanistan As Violence Rises," ABC News, July 3, 2008 Civil Liberties/ Human Rights "Whistleblowers Speak Out On FISA," by mcjoan, Daily Kos, July 8, 2008 "Truth And The Gitmo Detainees," by Steve Chapman, Reason Magazine, July 7, 2008 "Professor Ticketed For 'Not To Empire' Bumper Sticker," by Matthew Rothschild, The Progressive, July 7, 2008 "'Science Fiction-Like' Weapons On Tap For Political Conventions," by David Edwards & Stephen C. Webster, Raw Story, July 7, 2008 "Authoritarianism," by dday, Daily Kos, July 5, 2008 "'State Secrets' Privilege Details Rendition Suit," by William Fisher, Inter Press Service, July 4, 2008 "Civil Liberties Groups Sue For Info On Cell Phone Lojacking," by Julian Sanchez, Ars Technica, July 4, 2008 "Tenant Banned From Flying Flag Upside Down, Gets Death Threat," by Matthew Rothschild, The Progressive, July 4, 2008 "Is The Department Of Justice Tracking Your Cell Phone without A Warrant?," by Chris Nolan, AlterNet, July 3, 2008 "The Founders' Rights Stuff," by Rosa Brooks, Los Angeles Times, July 3, 2008 "How Dare They Rip The Fourth Amendment?," by Joseph L. Galloway, McClatchy Newspapers, July 3, 2008 "Civil Liberties Group Criticizes New FBI Profiling Authority," Associated Press, July 3, 2008 "China Inspired Interrogations At Guantanamo," The New York Times, July 2, 2008 "Torture, Communism And The American Way," by Jacob G. Hornberger, Future of Freedom Foundation, July 2, 2008 Environment and Sustainability "Climate Threat From Flat Screen TVs, Microchips," Los Angeles Times, July 8, 2008 "The Security Dimensions Of Climate Policy," by Alex Crawford, Toronto Star/Canada, July 8, 2008 "Climate Deadlock Seen At G8 Despite 'Constructive' Bush," Agence France Presse, July 6, 2008 "Indigenous People Ask G8 For Climate Talks Inclusion," Reuters, July 5, 2008 "Secret Report: Biofuel Caused Food Crisis," Guardian/UK, July 4, 2008 "Massachusetts Starts A Green Era: Law Encourages Renewable Resources," Boston Globe, July 3, 2008 "G8 Climate Scorecard Shows U.S. In Last," Associated Press, July 3, 2008 "Senator Backs New Solar Power Intiative," Brattleboro Reformer (Vermont), July 3, 2008 "Wildlife Extinction Rates 'Seriously Underestimated,'" Guardian/UK, July 2, 2008 "Bill McKibben: The Making Of An Environmentalist," by Rebecca Tuhus-Dubrow, The Nation, July 1, 2008 Media Issues "The Press' McCain Rules," by Paul Waldman, The American Prospect, July 8, 2008 "Beltway Myth: The 'Left-Wing Base' Vs. 'The American People' On Iraq," by Glenn Greenwald, Salon, July 7, 2008 "Google Ordered To Hand Over YouTube User Details To Viacom," Telegraph/UK, July 4, 2008 Activism "Protesters Gearing Up For Political Conventions," Los Angeles Times, July 7, 2008 "Police Crack Down On Cyclist Group's Traffic Tactic," Atlanta Journal-Constitution, July 5, 2008 "Protesters Rally Ahead Of G8 Summit," Agence France Presse, 2008 "My War Story," by Dave Lindorff, Counterpunch, July 4, 2008 "Protesters Interrupt Bush Holiday Speech," ABC News, July 3, 2008 "Reality Time At," by Bob Ostertag, Huffington Post, July 3, 2008 |