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Between The Lines
For The Week Ending Sept. 12, 2008


U.S. Politics

"Whoops! Top Republican Admits That GOP Is Running "Ministry Of Truth" Against Obama," by Eric Kleefeld, Talking Points Memo, Aug. 26, 2008

"Half of Americans Believe GOP Spin on Obama's Tax Plan," by Joshua Holland, AlterNet, Aug. 26, 2008

"10 Ways Obama Should Not Imitate the John Kerry Campaign," by Drew Westen, AlterNet, Aug. 26, 2008

"AT&T thanks the Blue Dog Democrats with a lavish party," by Glenn Greenwald, Salon, Aug. 25, 2008

"The Democratic Education Divide," by Dana Goldstein, The American Prospect, Aug. 25, 2008

"A Tale of Two Parties: This year's conventions represent two distinct Americas," by Harold Meyerson, The American Prospect, Aug. 25, 2008

"Warning on voting machines reveals oversight failure," McClatchy Newspapers, Aug. 24, 2008

"Joe Biden and the political establishment's overriding goal," by Glenn Greenwald, Salon, Aug. 24, 2008

"Biden, Iraq, and Obama's Betrayal," by Stephen Zunes, Foreign Policy in Focus, Aug. 24, 2008

"Big Business Goes After Unions to Defeat Democrats," by MissLaura, Daily Kos, Aug. 24, 2008

"McCain's Silence On A 'Terror Gap,'" by Mark Hosenball, Newsweek, Aug. 23, 2008

"How To Burn The Speculators," by James K. Galbraith, ZNet, Aug. 23, 2008

"Jerome Corsi: How a Racist, Conspiratorial Crank Became a Top GOP Anti-Obama Point Man," by Max Blumenthal, The Nation, Aug. 23, 2008

"Cash Register Conventions," by Michael Winship, Truthout, Aug. 22, 2008

"As Democrats gather, liberal positions gaining in popularity," McClatchy Newspapers, Aug. 22, 2008

"Obama: Transformational President or Another Disappointment?," by Tom Hayden, ZNet, Aug. 22, 2008

"The Anatomy of a Deception: How The McCains Changed Their Baby Adoption Story Just Before 2008 Campaign Began," by Mark Nickolas, Huffington Post, Aug. 21, 2008

"The Mystery Candidate," by Eugene Robinson, Truthdig, Aug. 21, 2008

"The Conquest by Presidentialism," by David Sirota, Truthdig, Aug. 21, 2008

"McCain's Warped Worldview," by Robert Scheer, Truthdig, Aug. 19, 2008

"Same Old White Guys Run the Debates," by Marie Cocco, Truthdig, Aug. 19, 2008


Bush Regime

"Judge Denies Stay; Miers Must Appear to Answer HJC's Subpoena," by Kate Klonick, Talking Points Memo, Aug. 26, 2008


American Empire/War Profiteering

"Reinventing the Evil Empire," by Stephen Lendman, ZNet, Aug. 26, 2008

"Warnings to Russia from Joe Lieberman and Lindsey Graham," by Glenn Greenwald, salon, Aug. 26, 2008

"Is War With Russia on the Agenda? Calamity in the Name of Hegemony," by Paul Craig Roberts, Counterpunch, Aug. 26, 2008

"Georgia War Rooted in US Self-Deceit on NATO," by Gareth Porter, Inter press Service, Aug. 25, 2008

"A Really Bad Couple of Weeks for Pax Americana," by Jim Lobe, Inter Press Service, Aug. 24, 2008

"A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Georgian Forum," by Robert Higgs,, Aug. 23, 2008

"Obama and Latin America: Change or Continunity?," by Laura Cartlsen, Counterpunch, Aug. 22, 2008

"Georgia and the Push for Cold War," by David Bromwich, Huffington Post, Aug. 21, 2008


"Postwar" Occupation of Iraq, Afghanistan

"Did the Surge Work? The Big Questions About Iraq," by Patrick Cockburn, Counterpunch, Aug. 26, 2008

"UN Says Has Evidence Air Strikes Killed 90 Afghans, Including 60 Children," Reuters, Aug. 26, 2008

"UN Confirms 90 Afghan Civilians Killed in US Attack," News, Aug. 26, 2008

"US out of Iraq by ... '2011,'" by Patrick Cockburn, Counterpunch, Aug. 25, 2008

"Iraq, US agree no foreign troops after 2011: PM," Agence France Presse, Aug. 25, 2008

"Pouring Gas on the Afghanistan Bonfire," by Chris Hedges, Truthdig, Aug. 25, 2008

"Taliban turns lethal: 101 US deaths in Afghanistan," Associated Press, Aug. 24, 2008

"Iraq: Suicide Bomber Kills 25 West of Baghdad," Associated Press, Aug. 24, 2008

"Karzai Ousts General as Religious Leaders Call for Trials,", Aug. 24, 2008

"More than 90 Killed in Coalition Strikes: Investigation," Agence France Presse, Aug. 24, 2008

"Air strike sharpens civilian casualties row," Guardian/UK, Aug. 24, 2008

"VP choice Biden unpopular in Iraq for autonomy plan," Reuters, Aug. 23, 2008


Civil Liberties

"Police use force on unarmed Code Pink demonstrator," Rocky Mountain News (Colorado), Aug. 26, 2008

"Police Trap Peaceful Protesters in Denver," American News Project, Aug. 26, 2008

"Guantánamo Suicide Report: Truth or Travesty?," by Andy Worthington,, Aug. 26, 2008

"'Free Speech Zones,' aka 'Freedom Cages,' at the DNC," by Lindsay Beyerstein, Firedoglake, Aug, 25, 2008

"The State Deparment's Green Scare Wing: 'Never Confront the Protesters...Most of Them Know What Their Rights Are,'" by Will Potter, Counterpunch, Aug. 25, 2008

"Homeland Security Comes to Vermont," Washington Post, Aug. 24, 2008

"Judge Sides with Maker of 'Bush Lied' T-Shirt," by Matthew Rothschild, The Progressive, Aug. 23, 2008

"Guards' Lapses Cited in Detainee Suicides," Washington Post, Aug. 23, 2008

"FBI seeks sweeping new powers," by Aziz Huq, The Nation, Aug. 22, 2008

"Caging the Dream: Dems Wrap Freedom in Razor Wire," by Chris Floyd, Empire Burlesque, Aug. 19, 2008


Environment and Sustainability

"Chemical Pollutants Likely Culprits in Rising Birth Defects," by Roxanne Chan & Sarah Petras, Anchorage Daily News (Alaska), Aug. 26, 2008

"At Conference on the Risks to Earth, Few Are Optimistic," The New York Times, Aug. 24, 2008

"Food, Fuel and Water Crises Converging," by Thalif Deen, Inter Press Service, Aug. 23, 2008

"What Will the Green Economy Look Like?," by Adele Stan, Media Consortium, Aug. 23, 2008

"UK risks climate leadership over dirty coal, say US groups," Guardian/UK, Aug, 22, 2008

"Importing food means exporting drought," by Tom MacMillan, Guardian/UK, Aug. 20, 2008


Media Issues

"When wire services attack: Associated Press targets blogger through employer," by RenaRF, Daily Kos, Aug. 26, 2008

"NBC Censors Sexual Orientation Of Openly Gay Gold Medalist Diver," by Amanda Terkel, Think Progress, Aug. 24, 2008

"AP Bureau Chief Fournier Is At It Again," by Steve Benen, Washington Monthly, Aug. 23, 2008

"The Year of the Political Blogger Has Arrived," The New york Times, Aug. 22, 2008

"The decay of serious journalism and Rachel Maddow's new show," by Glenn Greenwald, Salon, Aug. 21, 2008

"Arizona Shock Jock's Dangerous Call for 'Bloodshed' in Polling Places," by Rory O'Connor,, Aug. 21, 2008

"Journalists and their good friends in the White House," by Glenn Greenwald, Salon, Aug. 20, 2008



"Dissent Debuts in Downtown Denver: Boulder anti-war protesters run into heavily armed police on eve of DNC," Boulder Daily Camera (Colorado), Aug. 25, 2008

"Who Will Crash the Democratic and Republican Conventions?," by Michael Gould-Wartofsky, The Nation, Aug. 24, 2008

"Another US War Resister From Canada Court-Martialed," by Ann Wright, Common Dreams, Aug. 24, 2008

"Big-Picture Power: Progressive organizations are finally becoming more conscious about setting the agenda," by Mark Schmitt, The American Prospect, Aug. 21, 2008


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