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Between The Lines
For The Week Ending March 26, 2010

U.S. Politics

"Obama sabotages himself with fake 'pragmatism,'" by Glenn Greenwald, Salon, Mar. 9, 2010

"The Pentagon shooter, insurrectionism, and right-wing bloggers," by Eric Boehlert, Smirking Chimp, Mar. 9, 2010

"Why Is Barack Obama Writing GOP Talking Points?," by Ari Melber, The Nation, Mar. 5, 2010

"Former Obama Adviser: Why Is the Administration So Unassertive?," by John Nichols, The Nation, Mar. 5, 2010

"Exclusive: RNC document mocks donors, plays on 'fear,'" Politico, Mar. 3, 2010



"FDIC chief hits banks for not making loans," McClatchy Newspapers, Mar. 8, 2010

"Finance Superstars Talk About the Massive Fraud in Our Economic System" by Joe Costello, AlterNet, Mar. 8, 2010

"Blame it on the bubble," by Dean Baker, Guardian/UK, Mar. 8, 2010

"The Stealth Bailouts: The Problem is Political, Not Economic," by Mike Whitney, Counterounch, Mar. 5-7, 2010

"Systemic Denial," by Lawrence Lessig, Huffington Post, Mar. 4, 2010


Bush Accountability

"Waterboarding for dummies," by Mark Benjamin, Salon, Mar. 9, 2010

"Thiessen and the 'Al Qaeda Lawyers,'" by Scott Horton, Harper's, Mar. 9, 2010

"Compare and contrast," by Glenn Greenwald, Salon, Mar. 9, 2010

"Waterboarding too dangerous, internal DoD memo reveals," by Jeff Kaye, Invictus, Mar. 8, 2010

"Incompetent McCarthyism and Shared Beliefs," by Scott Horton, Harper's, Mar. 8, 2010

"Have You No Sense of Decency?," by David Luban, Balkinization, Mar. 6, 2010

"Ill. Judge Won't Toss Torture Suit Naming Rumsfeld," Associated Press, Mar. 6, 2010

"Bush/Cheney Pulled Torture Strings," by Robert Parry, Consortium News, Mar. 4, 2010


International Affairs

" As Biden Visits, Israel Unveils Plan for New Settlements," The New York Times Mar. 9, 2010

"Amir, ten years old, abducted by Israeli soldiers from his bed," by Nora Barrows-Friedman, Electronic Intifada, Mar. 8, 2010

"Clinton's Latin American clangers," by Mark Weisbrot, Guardian/UK, Mar. 5, 2010

"Pacific Pushback: Has the U.S. Empire of Bases Reached Its High-Water Mark?," by Tom Engelhardt & John Feffer, TomDispatch, Mar. 4, 2010


"Postwar" Occupation of Iraq, Afghanistan

" Fiction of Marja as City Was U.S. Information War," by Gareth Porter, Inter Press Service, Mar. 8, 2010

"As U.S. prepares to leave after 7 years, Iraq's future uncertain," McClatchy Newspapers, Mar. 5, 2010

"Disturbing story of Fallujah's birth defects," BBC News, Mar. 4, 2010

"One in three killed by US drones in Pakistan is a civilian, report claims," Telegraph/UK, Mar. 4, 2010


Civil Liberties/ Human Rights

"The New Jim Crow: How the War on Drugs Gave Birth to a Permanent American Undercaste," by Tom Engelhardt & Michelle Alexander, TomDispatch, Mar. 8, 2010

"Experts Urge Keeping Civilian and Military Options in Terror Trials," The New York Times, Mar. 8, 2010

"A Campaign Promise Dies: Obama and Military Commissions," by Jason Leopold, Truthout, Mar. 8, 2010

"Revealed: The shocking truth about Tasers," Daily Mail/UK, Mar. 7, 2010

"Washington at Its Worst: Stop the Gitmo Sell-Out," by Tom Andrews, Common Dreams, Mar. 7, 2010

"More Than Words: Liz Cheney says terrorists have no rights. Also, you're a terrorist," by Dahlia Lithwick, Slate, Mar. 5, 2010

"Senate Debates Indefinite Detentions," by William Fisher, Inter Press Service, Mar. 5, 2010

"Obama, Congress Wink at Massive Surveillance Abuses," by Julian Sanchez, The American Prospect, Mar. 3, 2010

"DoD Releases Records of Illegal Surveillance," by William Fisher, Truthout, Mar. 3, 2010

"Cyberwar Hype Intended to Destroy the Open Internet," by Ryan Singel, Wired, Mar. 1, 2010


Environment and Sustainability

"Obama's Nuclear Dreams: Resurrecting a Noxious Industry," by Joshua Frank & Jeffrey St. Clair, Truthout, Mar. 9, 2010

"Humans driving extinction faster than species can evolve, say experts," Guardian/UK, Mar. 8, 2010

"Fresh Evidence Global Warming Is Man-Made," The Herald/Scotland, Mar. 5, 2010

"Huge Methane Leak in Arctic Ocean: Study," Agence France Presse, Mar. 5, 2010



"Why do journalists expect to have credibility?," by Glenn Greenwald, Salon, Mar. 7, 2010

"Glenn Beck, Radical Hit Man for the Tea Partiers, Is Breeding Potential Violence," by Les Leopold, AlterNet, Mar. 1, 2010

"Left gears up to fight media wars," Politico, Mar. 6, 2010

"The full-scale collapse: From Murrow to Blitzer," by Glenn Greenwald, Salon, Mar. 4, 2010

"Inside the TV Wars: The battles to watch over what you can watch," by Megan Tady, Extra!, Mar., 2010

More newswire ...


"MoveOn endorses John Hall, Congressional advocate for Israel's murder of civilians," by Stephen Zunes, Common Dreams, Mar. 9, 2010

"Protesters Plan 'Citizens Arrests' of Health Insurers' Leaders in D.C.," IFAwebnews, Mar. 9, 2010

"Health Care Protesters Face Off Against Insurance Lobbyists," Huffington Post, Mar. 9, 2010

"Calling All Rebels," by Chris Hedges, TruthDig, Mar. 8, 2010

"The Rightwing Witch Hunt Against ACORN," by Katrina vanden Heuvel, The Nation, Mar. 8, 2010

"The Women I Love (on Women's Day): Agitators Who Stand Up to Big Coal," by Jeff Biggers, Common Dreams, Mar. 8, 2010

"March 5: Building a Movement, Starting Today," by Nick Palmquist, Daily Californian (California), Mar. 5, 2010

"Facebook protest isn't enough. Selma vets and young activists must share lessons," by Paul Lamb, Christian Science Monitor, Mar. 5, 2010

"For young activists, video is their voice," Boston Globe, Mar. 5, 2010

"Students' 'Day Of Action' Protests Grow As Education Goes Private," Reuters, Mar. 4, 2010

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