U.S. Politics
"The Curveball of Karl Rove," by David Bromwich, New York Review of Books, July 15, 2010
"Republicans: a party of unemployment," by Dean Baker, Guardian/UK, July 6, 2010
"Mayberry Machiavellis: Obama Political Team Handcuffing Recovery," by Ryan Grim, Huffington Post, July 6, 2010
"House Democrats: Nancy Pelosi Tricked Us," by Jane Hamsher, Firedoglake, July 6, 2010
"The Tea Party Is Dangerous: Dispelling 7 Myths That Help Us Avoid Reality About the New Right-Wing Politics," by Adele M. Stan, AlterNet, July 5, 2010
"Meg Whitman campaign brings spying into real time," McClatchy Newspapers, July 5, 2010
"Tea Partiers assail Rand Paul for taking D.C. money," McClatchy Newspapers, July 5, 2010
"Teachers' Union Shuns Obama Aides at Convention," The New York Times, July 4, 2010
"Boehner Puts Democrats on the Spot: Cut Social Security to Fund the War?," by Dean Baker, Counterpunch, July 2-4, 2010
"A cycle of stupidity," by Glenn Greenwald, Salon, July 2, 2010
"Warning Signs From the Bond Market: Red Flags for the Economy " by Mike Whitney, Counterpunch, July 6, 2010
"David Brooks Swings at Paul Krugman, Knocks Himself Out," by John Chandley, Firedoglake, July 6, 2010
"Unemployment Extension Standoff, Day 35: 'Harsh Reality Has Now Set In,'" by Arthur Delaney, Huffington Post, July 6, 2010
"Slouching Toward a Double Dip or a Lousy Recovery at Best," by Robert Reich, Robert Reich's Blog, July 3, 2010
"Race to the Bottom: Scapegoating Civil Servants," by David Macaray, Counterpunch, July 2-4, 2010
"The Million-Dollar Penny," by Sam Pizzigati, Other Words, July 2, 2010
"Maude Barlow: 'The World Has Divided into Rich and Poor as at No Time in History,'" Democracy Now!, July 2, 2010
"U.S. Experiencing Worst Episode of Prolonged Unemployment Since Great Depression," Center for Economic and Policy Research, July 2, 2010
"How Goldman Sachs Caused a 'Silent Mass Murder,' Gambling on Starvation in the Developing World," by Johann Hari, Independent/UK, July 2, 2010
"Myths of Austerity," by Paul Krugman, The New York Times, July 1, 2010
"No age of austerity for the rich," by Sasha Abramasky, Guardian/UK, June 30, 2010
Bush Accountability
"A Damning New Report on George W. Bush," by Cˇsar Chelala, Common Dreams, July 6, 2010
"Torture claims: David Cameron announces inquiry," BBC News, July 6, 2010
International Affairs
"Infinite Jest: State Terror From Nixon to Obama," by Chris Floyd, Empire Burlesque, July 6, 2010
"The Case Against Kissinger Deepens, Continued," by Scott Horton, Harper's, July 6, 2010
"Honduras, a Year After the Coup: Widening Rifts in Latin America," by Mark Weisbrot, Counterpunch, July 6, 2010
"US questions its unwavering support for Israel," Guardian/UK, July 5, 2010
"Does Israel Make Us Safer?," by Thaddeus Russell, Daily Beast, July 4, 2010
"Israel's Foes Embrace New Resistance Tactics," Wall Street Journal, July 4, 2010
"Nixon and Kissinger joked over Chile assassination," by Jeff Stein, Washington Post, July 2, 2010
"What Price Defense?," by William D. Hartung, The Nation, June 28, 2010
"Postwar" Occupation of Iraq, Afghanistan
"Afghan War Funding: It's One, Two, Three ... What Do We Spend It On?," by Dave Lindorff, Counterpunch, July 5, 2010
"The unknown Afghan body count," by James Denselow, Guardian/UK, July 4, 2010
"'Surge'' smoke follows Petraeus to Afpak," by Pepe Escobar, Asia Times, July 3, 2010
"3/5 of House Dems 'Obsessed' with Afghan Withdrawal Timetable," by Robert Naiman, Common Dreams, July 3, 2010
"Counterinsurgency Down for the Count in Afghanistan... But the War Machine Grinds On and On and On," by Tom Engelhardt & Ann Jones, TomDispatch, July 1, 2010
Civil Liberties/ Human Rights
"Rules of America's rule of law," by Glenn Greenwald, Salon, July 6, 2010
"Charges for Soldier Accused of Leak," The New York Times, July 6, 2010
"Wikileaks Leaker Bradley Manning Finally Charged," by Marcy Wheeler, Firedoglake, July 6, 2010
"The crux of our endless War on Terror," by Glenn Greenwald, Salon, July 6, 2010
"Federal Government Sues Over Arizona Immigration Law," The New York Times, July 6, 2010
"Another Habeas Defeat for Holder's Justice Department," by Scott Horton, Harper's, July 6, 2010
"The BP/Government police state," by Glenn Greenwald, Salon, July 5, 2010
"Death by Remote: But Is It Legal?," by William Fisher, Inter Press Service, July 4, 2010
"Death by Remote: But Is It Legal?," by William Fisher, Inter Press Service, July 4, 2010
"Obama Administration Follows Bush/Cheney On Politicization Of DOJ," bmaz, Firedoglake, July 4, 2010
"Sept. 11 terrorism trials still in search of a venue," Washington Post, July 4, 2010
"U.S. court orders new hearing for Algerian detainee," USA Today, July 3, 2010
"The Erosion of Individual Liberties: When Justice and Politics Become One," by Lt. Col. Barry Wingard, Truthout, July 3, 2010
"Restoring the Fourth Amendment: How We, the People, Can Win Over Washington," by Shahid Buttar, Truthout, July 3, 2010
"Inside Torontanamo: My Experience Inside the G20 Detention Facility," by Matt Shultz, Counterpunch, July 2-5, 2010
"U.S. Counterterror Chief: We Need Debate on CIA Terror Targets," by Michael Isikoff, Newsweek, July 2, 2010
"Photographer Briefly Detained by Police Near BP's Texas City Refinery," ProPublica, July 2, 2010
"Video Captures Another Border Killing," by Dennis Bernstein, Consortium News, July 2, 2010
"Government loses appeal in Guantanamo habeas case," McClatchy Newspapers, July 2, 2010
"In Miami, public surveillance cameras increasing," McClatchy Newspapers, July 2, 2010
"Pentagon ban on Guantanamo reporters is illegal, group says," McClatchy Newspapers, July 2, 2010
"The administration defends its assassination program," by Glenn Greenwald, Salon, July 1, 2010
"Joint lawsuit planned for G20 arrestees," Toronto Star/Canada, June 30, 2010
"Too Scary to Fly, Not Scary Enough to Arrest," by David Kravets, Wired, June 30, 2010
"With World Watching, Wikileaks Falls Into Disrepair," by Ryan Singel, Wired, June 30, 2010
"The Roberts Court's Free Speech Problem," by David Cole, New York Review of Books, June 28, 2010
Environment and Sustainability
"Oil seeps into New Orleans' Lake Pontchartrain," Associated Press, July 6, 2010
"BP has steady sales at Defense Department despite U.S. scrutiny," Washington Post, July 5, 2010
"In Wake of BP Spill Disaster, Louisiana Indians Fending For Themselves," by Dahr Jamail, Truthout, July 5, 2010
"Judges rule Obama can't close Yucca Mountain nuclear dump," McClatchy Newspapers, July 4, 2010
"Outdoor gear is 'environmentally toxic', finds report," Sunday Herald/Scotland, July 4, 2010
"Researchers say Obama's slow on oil spill science, too," McClatchy Newspapers, July 2, 2010
"The IPCC messed up over 'Amazongate' - the threat to the Amazon is far worse," by George Monbiot, Guardian/UK, July 2, 2010
"Deep-sea mining adds to fears of marine pollution," Independent/UK, July 2, 2010
"BP Texas Refinery Had Huge Toxic Release Just Before Gulf Blowout," ProPublica, July 2, 2010
"Oil Spills Boost Arsenic Levels in Ocean: Study," Agence France Presse, July 2, 2010
"Oil Spill Media Access: Reporters Still Given The Runaround Even As Public Health Concerns Mount," by Jason Linkins, Huffington Post, July 1, 2010
"Small Creatures and Climate Change: How Warming Can "Shuffle the Deck" of Creatures That Thrive," by Brenda Ekwurzel, Ph.D., Huffington Post, June 30, 2010
"Ailing Journalism in Ailing Times," by T.L. Caswell, TruthDig, July 6, 2010
"Keep the Internet Open for All," by Joseph Torres, Other Words, July 5, 2010
"AP owes China an apology," by Glenn Greenwald, Salon, July 5, 2010
"Bill Keller's self-defense on 'torture,'" by Glenn Greenwald, Salon, July 3, 2010
"How the TeleCom Industry Plans to Take Over the Internet in Four Easy Steps," by Timothy Karr, Common Dreams, July 2, 2010
"Obama to expand broadband Internet across U.S.," McClatchy Newspapers, July 2, 2010
"'Torture' study reveals appalling cowardice of America's newspapers," by Will Bunch, Media Matters for America, June 30, 2010
"New study documents media's servitude to government," by Glenn Greenwald, Salon, June 30, 2010
More newswire ...
"Environmentalist is spared jail for protest at Capitol," McClatchy Newspapers, July 6, 2010
"Change? Green Jobs Advocate Faces Prison for Dropping Banner While BP and Massey Go Free?," by Jeff Biggers, Common Dreams, July 5, 2010
"Witnessing Against Torture: Why We Must Act," by Kathy Kelly, Truthout, July 4, 2010
"UK factory saboteurs acquitted," Jerusalem Post, July 3, 2010
"Holding the Center," by Jean Hardisty and Deepak Bhargava, The Nation, June 30, 2010
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