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of under-reported news stories and:
International Solidarity Movement Activists
Adam Shapiro, a 30-year-old American activist, found himself in the media spotlight after he accompanied an ambulance to Yassir Arafat's besieged Ramallah headquarters on Easter weekend, soon after Israel launched a large scale military attack against West Bank cities. Shapiro, who has lived in the occupied territories for 2 1/2 years, is among hundreds of non-violent International Solidarity Movement volunteers who have put their lives on the line to offer protection and humanitarian aid to Palestinian civilians caught in the crossfire there.
The young man from Brooklyn, N.Y., was forced to stay overnight in Arafat's compound after he convinced Israeli officers to permit an ambulance safe passage to evacuate the wounded from the Palestinian leader's headquarters. The next morning, he had breakfast with Arafat and eventually Israeli forces which had surrounded the area with tanks and troops allowed him to leave. Shapiro's experience was widely reported in the U.S. and international press, provoking death threats against his parents living in New York from those who charge Shapiro with being a traitor and supporting terrorism.
Between The Lines' Scott Harris reached Shapiro in Ramallah by cell phone and asked him about the work of the International Solidarity Movement and what he has witnessed during the current Israeli military assault on West Bank cities.
Visit the International Solidarity Movement's Web site at www.palsolidarity.org
Related links:
Ignores Root Causes of Middle East Violence Interview by Scott Harris
The Israeli army's recent attack against major West Bank cities and refugee camps has been repeatedly justified by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon as a necessary step to "uproot the infrastructure of terrorism" and to prevent further Palestinian suicide bomb attacks against civilians in Israel. President Bush, alarmed at growing unrest in the Arab world, demanded that Israel immediately withdraw from Palestinian territory, a call Sharon has resisted by continuing military operations.
Despite Israel's often violent effort to ban the international press corps from covering the hostilities, reports of summary executions; the bulldozing of homes on top of their inhabitants and the denial of medical care, food and water to civilians as ordered by the Israeli Army have circulated around the world. Groups like the International Red Cross and Amnesty International have increasingly made public statements condemning Israel's conduct in the current clash. But with few exceptions, U.S. media outlets, and especially television commentators, provide viewers with a decidedly pro-Israeli view of the conflict.
Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Peter Hart of the media watch group Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting or FAIR, who examines the corporate media's coverage of the violent struggle between Israelis and Palestinians, and the symbolic use of language in network newscasts.
Contact FAIR by calling (212) 633-6700 or visit their Web site at www.fair.org
on Washington, D.C. for April 20 Protest Groups denounce Bush administration's post-Sept. 11 foreign and domestic policies Interview by Scott Harris
In the aftermath of the Sept. 11th terror attacks, President Bush and his policies are widely supported by a great majority of Americans according to public opinion polls. The war in Afghanistan, which was launched in October to destroy Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda network -- the group believed to have masterminded the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon -- is viewed by many around the country as a resounding success. The nation is assured that the terrorist threat is being neutralized even as bin Laden and many of his associates are still at large.
The White House has since deployed U.S. troops to several nations including the Philippines, Yemen and the Republic of Georgia, and the Bush administration has openly pointed to Iraq as being the next target in the war against terrorism. But not everyone in America is happy with the Bush policies. Citizens have raised questions about the 4,000 civilians estimated to have been killed by U.S. bombs in Afghanistan; the concern that violence alone will not stop future terrorist attacks; the secret detention of thousands of immigrants and the defunding of critical social programs here in the U.S.
Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Ted Glick, of the Independent Progressive Politics Network, who serves on the steering committee of a coalition of groups organizing a major demonstration April 20 in Washington, D.C., dubbed the march to "Stop the War at Home and Abroad." Glick outlines the reasons why thousands of citizens will be coming to the nation's capital to condemn the Bush administration's foreign and domestic policies.
To contact the April 20 Mobilization Committee, call (202) 265-3980 or visit their Web site at www.unitedwemarch.org
Related links:
Compiled by Bob Nixon
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... MORE ... Stop the War March on Washington, D.C. April 20th, 2002 www.unitedwemarch.org April 20 Stop the War at Home and Abroad March on Washington. www.ippn.org Independent Progressive Politics Network Depleted uranium weapons use in Afghan War U.S. Uses Unprecedented Quantities of Depleted Uranium Weapons in Afghan War Between The Lines interview with journalist Robert James Parsons, Week Ending March 22, 2002 "America's big dirty secret,"by Robert James Parsons, Le Monde Diplomatique, March 2002 (English translation) Barcelona EU Protests, March 15-16, 2002 500,000 Protest in Barcelona, Spain Against European Union's March Toward U.S.-Style "Cowboy" Capitalism barcelona.indymedia.org Hundreds of Thousands Challenge EU in Barcelona indymedia.org World Economic Forum Protests, Jan. 31-Feb. 4, 2002 Between The Lines Report, Week Ending 2/15/02. With more related audio files. Billionaires for Bush, at Columbus Circle, NYC preparing for Feb. 2 march against the elite World Economic Forum. Links to www.radio4all.net page with MP3 file. John Sweeney, president of the AFL-CIO addresses a "Working Families Economic Forum" in NYC as activists prepare for protests against the elite World Economic Forum. 9MB in MP3. Scott Harris reports on AFL-CIO Workers Forum in NYC for Free Speech Radio News 2/1/02 Global Justice's New Face, AlterNet's series on the World Social Forum, in Porto Alegre, Brazil www.studentsforglobaljustice.org, World Economic Forum Conference and National Student Mobilization, Jan. 31 to Feb. 3, Columbia University, New York City. See conference schedule. Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch Another World is Possible Coalition New York Independent Media Center "Energy Standoff in Central Asia "Bush Fuels Oil Conspiracy Theory," by Ted Rall, www.AlterNet.org, Jan. 10, 2002 "Pipeline Politics: Oil, The Taliban and the Political Balance of Central Asia," World Press Review Special Report "The New Great Game: Oil Politics in Central Asia" by Ted Rall, www.AlterNet.org, October 11, 2001, Economic Globalization Resources ZNet's Global Economic Crisis resource site Excellent source for understanding global economics and trade issues and particularly in preparation for ongoing demonstrations about economic justice "The Fight for Everything" A series of interviews with activists and leaders of grassroots, progressive groups analyzing the goals, strategy and tactics of the global social justice movement
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